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Troubleshooting articles

Microsoft Office Links do not work in SSO scenarios@a userAug 08, 2024
Desktop Client: Resolving installation issues involving VBA@a userMay 22, 2024
Desktop Client: Enterprise Model warning when adding IGX file to repository@a userMay 22, 2024
Desktop Client: Why is the automatic Swimlane-based relationship creation not working?@a userMay 22, 2024
Desktop Client Installation on Windows Server@a userMay 22, 2024
Desktop Client: How to solve "Item does not exist" errors on IGX document or diagram check in@a userMay 22, 2024
Desktop Client: How to resolve not being able to check in Documents or Diagrams due to "Name Exists" or "Invalid Pointer" errors@a userMay 22, 2024
Desktop Client: Dealing with Roaming Profiles and Check in of documents@a userMay 21, 2024
Desktop Client: Crash with error message "Fatal program error 0xC0000005 when running a simulation"@a userMay 21, 2024
Desktop Client: Can I export or import modeling data to or from Excel or other file format?@a userMay 21, 2024
How to fix users getting logged out after two minutes when using SiteMinder@a userJan 20, 2024
Enterprise Icons are broken / missing@a userAug 11, 2023
MindManager causes iGrafx Desktop Client to crash (Component One or VSFlexGrid errors)@a userMay 02, 2023
Trouble downloading data (e.g. software) from the website@a userApr 11, 2023
Platform shows error 404 after upgrade@a userApr 11, 2023
LDAP import works but authentication fails - Simple Bind@a userApr 11, 2023
LDAP over SSL fails with certificate exception@a userApr 11, 2023
Font alignment issues with Japanese text in IE 11@a userApr 11, 2023
Errors using "Print to PDF" via the web@a userApr 11, 2023
Deleting a Cyclegroup member not possible@a userApr 11, 2023

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