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Errors using "Print to PDF" via the web


With a browser viewing a diagram in the iGrafx Platform, the File > Print to PDF command displays error messages instead of creating a PDF document for printing.


This issue is caused by an incompatibility of certain fonts.

This can be resolved by editing the “pdf-fonts.xml” file in your install directory to not auto-detect fonts: 

  1. Go to your iGrafx Origins install folder (e.g. C:\Origins)
  2. Edit the pdf-fonts.xml file (e.g. at apache-tomcat-8.0.36\igrafx\iGrafxWebApp\WEB-INF\classes\com\igrafx\svg2pdf\pdf-fonts.xml) to delete or comment out the <auto-detect/> line; e.g. comment it out by like this:  "<!-- <auto-detect/> -->"
  3. Save the file

You should not need to stop/restart the iGrafx service or any other services.

Be aware that this solution will use whatever fonts are available on your application server.  If a font is used in the document, supported by the client machine, but not supported or not on the server, the default font will be used (e.g. Times Roman).   

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.