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24.03.26 New Versions - v18.4 and v19.0 Coming Soon

New Versions Coming Soon

March 26, 2024
  • v18.4.0 is planned to release in April 2024

  • v18.5.0 with Process Simulation is planned to release late April 2024

  • v19.0.0 is planned to release in May 2024.

v18.4.0 What is planned

New Diagram Experience

Version 18.4, planned for release in April 2024 is going to include a stable Early Access build of our New Diagram Experience feature. This was teased back in November 2023 and the result is a clean, modern experience that is intuitive to use by leveraging standards in place across the web where equivalent features are in use. The New Diagram Experience has been available to test for months though we’re now in a place (with version 18.3.9) where additional changes are expected to be minor.

We are encouraging users to turn the New Diagram Experience feature flag on for themselves, especially if they are a leader or trainer in their organization for iGrafx Process360 Live. Check out our New Diagram Experience documentation page to see what’s different and watch a brief video orienting you to what’s new.

The New Diagram Experience will be turned on by default for all customers in May. This feature can be turned on and off for users individually by going to My Profile (underneath your picture in the top right) → Early Access.

⚠️ New Diagram Experience changes the mouse behavior. To pan a diagram (move the canvas) users will need to click and hold the right mouse button (or hold spacebar while holding the left mouse button). This has the following benefits:

  1. Disambiguation of shape movement and canvas movement. In the New Diagram Experience shape movement input is not confused with canvas movement, and canvas movement may occur even when the cursor is hovering over a shape.

  2. Associates Left Click Select with Lasso-Select, and reduces the number of buttons in the toolbar.

Process Simulation

Version 18.5.0 will include the release of Process Simulation to Early Access worldwide for all customers and is planned to launch in late-April. At this time Simulation will be available in Early Access. Rollout of a launch can take up to two weeks to propagate to all servers.

Simulation will be freely available at no cost at the start of Early Access. This may change over time

Simulation will only be available in the cloud at launch. Simulation runs on totally separate servers to maintain performance which requires more sophisticated hosting requirements, such as Docker and Kubernetes. Simulation will become available in the data center version of the product once we are ready to roll out the associated hosting requirements.

Even More

Additional notable features that will Release or come to Early Access in 18.4 or v19.0:

  • Process Owner

    • Identify and report on named Process Owners for Process and Diagram objects.

  • Bulk Relationship Changes

    • Run IQL queries in the search bar to return results with a specific set of parameters

    • Once objects are identified, change the relationships on multiple objects at the same time

    • This reduces the effort associated with keeping relationships accurate as roles and responsibilities shift in the organization

  • New header bar background color. An upcoming Product blog article will be posted in the coming weeks, including more details and images of the change

v19.0.0 What is planned

iGrafx is updating branding, including Process360 Live product branding. Changes will start to show up in April and solidify in May. Most notably, more emphasis will be placed on our Product name, Process360 Live, and the logo will be displayed in the Product in place of the company name

The release of v19.0.0 in May 2024 will release the following features to General Access:

  • Anti-Virus Scanning

    • This will become a configuration in the product that may be turned on. It will be set to “off” by default as it prevents the upload of password protected files.

    • *Only available in the Cloud

  • Auto-open Describes Panel

    • Open the describes panel by default if navigating to a diagram directly from a dashboard gadget or when arriving at the diagram and you have a cycle action that needs to be performed.

    • This will become a configuration in the product that may be turned on. It will be set to “off” by default unless you have this feature enabled in Early Access

  • ArchiMate Shape Library

    • This feature includes ArchiMate shapes as an available shape library

  • Tree Icon and Ordering Changes

    • The top level enterprise objects are receiving updated icons, colors, and grouping/ordering in the tree

    • An upcoming blog post will be dedicated to changes in the tree icons and will be available no later than the 18.4 release highlights.


The following features will be turned on and no longer able to be disabled with the v19.0 release:

  • Q1 2024 UI Improvements

    • These are minor UI changes

Get ready for these features to go to General Access before they release by reading up on them and turning them on before release during non-office hours. As features enter General Access you can still disable them by going to Administration → Server Settings → Early Access and disabling these features. Features will only be able to be disabled for a limited period of time, typically about 3 months.

*Cloud Only features utilize cloud hosted services in the background to run. We hope to support these features in the datacenter version of the product over time with the introduction of hosting technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.

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