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Chapter 2.2: Paths

Opening Paths Feature

  1. The Paths feature can be found in the View menu. Clicking the option will open the Paths interface panel.

New Path

  1. A path can be used to visualize a route along a process flow, allowing for the inclusion of various shapes and connecting lines within the defined path.

Custom Path Color

  1. You can modify the color of a path to distinguish it from others. 

Parallel Path

  1. You can add/edit a path to include parallel routes.

Smart Route Determination

  1. The order in which you define waypoints does not matter. The path will route from start to finish in the shortest possible manner based on diagram design.
  2. You can also select connector lines as waypoints.

Multiple Path Selection and Visualization

  1. You can select a range of paths by clicking on a path and, while holding the Shift key, clicking on any other path. All the paths between the first and last selections will be highlighted.
  2. You can also select multiple paths by clicking on a path and, while holding the Ctrl key, clicking on any other path. Only the clicked paths will be highlighted.
  1. You can right-click on any shape within a selected path in the diagram area and choose 'Share Link to Path' to automatically copy the link of this path to your clipboard.

View Path Narrative

  1. You can view and download a selected path's narrative
    1. The path narrative will reflect the diagram's default narrative, but it will only include the shapes of the selected path.

Export to Image of Highlighted Paths

  1. You can export a selection of paths to any supported image file type (SVG, PNG, JPG).
    1. q

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