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Journey, Moment, and Touch

Journey objects can represent all sort of journeys. While customer journeys are the most common, others are employee-, partner-, or product journeys. A customer journey describes all the experiences consumers go through when interacting with a brand from the moment they hear about it to the actual purchasing experience and post-purchase interactions.

Touch objects are short for Touch Points and represent the interactions within a journey.

Moment objects also represent interactions in a journey, depending on the philosophy you follow they are the same as touch points. However, moments may represent impressions a customer may have by not having an actual interaction i.e. something did not happen or an interaction dropped. 

Can Contain

Journey Folders can contain:

  • Journey Folder
  • Journey

Journey objects can contain:

  • Journey
  • Moment
  • Touch

Moment objects can contain:

  • Moment
  • Touch

Touch objects can contain:

  • Touch
  • Moment

All folders and objects under Journeys can contain:

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