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Enterprise Object Relationships

Relationship object type groupings

Enterprise Objects

Activity (and SAP Process Step), Business ServiceCapability, Control, Control Instance, Class (and SAP Master Data), Dashboard, External Agent, Goal, Interface (and SAP Interface), JourneyMoment, Operation (and SAP Transaction), OpportunityOpportunity Instance, Performance Indicator, Process (and SAP Branch, SAP Scenario and SAP Process), Product, Requirement, Reports, Resource, Risk, Risk Instance, Service (and SAP Service), Strategy, Touch and Work Product

Documentation Objects

(Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File and Web Address

All Objects

All Enterprise Objects, All Document Objects, plus Folders, Shape Library, Glossary, Term, Table, Chart and Repository

Relationships table

The following tables show how objects may be related to other objects by creating a relationship in the Relationships tab for that object.

RACI relationships can additionally be assigned to resources in the object's primary (left-most) tab.

Where supported (see the table below), both tree items and recently viewed breadcrumb entries can be drag and dropped to the Relationships page to create relationships

(warning) SAP functionality is retired. Existing SAP objects are retained, though new SAP objects and connections may no longer be made. (warning)

Simple relationships (Symmetrical)

This table can be read left to right, or right to left, depending on which relationship you are interested in



From / To

To / From

RACIAccountableAll Objects (except Repository)External Agent, Resource +Accountable For
OtherAllocationsResourceResourceAllocated To


Process (SAP Process)/Activity (SAP Process Step), SAP Branch, SAP Scenario, Interface (SAP Interface)/Service (SAP Service)/Operation (SAP Transaction), Resource, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Business Service

Control, Control Instance, Product ,Business Service

Audited By
RACIConsultedAll Objects (except Repository)External Agent, Resource +Consulted About

Controlled By

All Enterprise Objects

Control, Control Instance *

OtherDeliversCapability Product, Business Service
Delivered By


(Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address

All Enterprise Objects, Shape Library

Documented By
OtherEnablesCapability Process/Activity, Journey/Moment/TouchEnabled By
OtherEnablesProcess/Activity ~, Journey/Moment/Touch ~Capability ~Enabled By


All Enterprise Objects


Goals For
PRCHas Control InstanceControlControl Instance *Instance of Control
PRCHas Opportunity

All Enterprise Objects (except Risk Instance, Opportunity Instance), (Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address

Risk, Risk Instance *, Opportunity, Opportunity Instance *

Opportunity For
PRCHas Opportunity InstanceOpportunity Risk Instance *, Opportunity Instance *Instance of Opportunity
PRCHas Risk

All Enterprise Objects (except Risk Instance, Opportunity Instance), (Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address

Risk, Risk Instance *, Opportunity, Opportunity Instance *

Risk For
PRCHas Risk InstanceRiskRisk Instance *Instance of Risk
PRCHas SAP Logical ComponentSAP Process Step, SAP Master Data, SAP InterfaceSAP Logical Component ResourceIs SAP Logical Component

Process/Activity, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business Service

Control, Control Instance

Implemented By
PRCImplementsWork Product ^

Class ^

Implemented By
RACIInformedAll Objects (except Repository)External Agent, Resource +Informed About

Located At

External Agent ^, Resource, Performance Indicator, Risk, Risk Instance, Opportunity, Opportunity InstanceResourceLocation For
PRCIs Measured ByAll Enterprise ObjectsPerformance IndicatorMeasures


Poses Threat ToAll Enterprise Objects, (Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address

All Enterprise Objects, (Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address

Threat Posed By


Provides Benefit To

All Enterprise Objects, (Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address

All Enterprise Objects, (Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address

Benefit Provided By

Is Capability For

CapabilityResource, External Agent ~Has Capability
OtherRequired forCapability

Moment, Touch, Product, Business Service

OtherRequirementsAll Enterprise Objects


Requirement for
RACIResponsibleAll Objects (except Repository)External Agent, Resource +Responsible For


All Enterprise Objects


Strategy For

^ indicates new relationship in 17.3   

* indicates that Risk Instances, Opportunity Instances and Control Instances can only relate to one object

Bold indicates new relationship or object in iGrafx Cloud 17.6 and iGrafx 17.7 On-premises and later

indicates new relationship in iGrafx Cloud 17.6.1 and iGrafx 17.7 On-premises and later

indicates that prior to 17.6.2, RACI relationships could only be created to External Agents and Resource objects of type Labor and Organization

Complex relationships (Asymmetric)

This table should be read left to right. Unlike the simple relationships documented above, the relationship targets can vary based on the source object type.
GroupRelationshipFromToInverse Relationship


Process/Activity, Class, Interface/Service, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business Service

Process (SAP Process)/Activity (SAP Process Step), SAP Branch, SAP Scenario, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business Service

Supported By
RACISupportsExternal AgentWork Product, Interface (SAP Interface)/Service (SAP Service)Supported By



Process (SAP Process)/Activity (SAP Process Step), Class (SAP Master Data), SAP Branch, SAP Scenario, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business Service

Supported By

Process (SAP Process)/Activity (SAP Process Step), Class (SAP Master Data), Interface (SAP Interface)/Service (SAP Service), SAP Branch, SAP Scenario, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business Service

Supported By
RACISupportsSAP Branch/SAP Scenario/SAP Process/SAP Process StepProcess (SAP Process)/Activity (SAP Process Step), SAP Branch, SAP Scenario, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business ServiceSupported By
RACISupportsSAP Interface, SAP Service, SAP Master DataProcess/Activity, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business ServiceSupported By
RACISupportsSAP TransactionProcess (SAP Process)/Activity (SAP Process Step), SAP Scenario, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business ServiceSupported By

Supported By

Process/Activity, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business Service

Process (SAP Process)/Activity (SAP Process Step), SAP Branch, SAP Scenario, Resource, Class (SAP Master Data), Interface (SAP Interface)/Service (SAP Service)/Operation (SAP Transaction), Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business Service


Supported By


Resource, Operation (SAP Transaction)

RACISupported BySAP Master DataResource, OperationSupports
RACISupported BySAP BranchProcess (SAP Process)/Activity (SAP Process Step), SAP Branch, SAP Scenario, Resource, Class (SAP Master Data), Interface/Service/Operation, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business ServiceSupports
RACISupported BySAP Scenario/SAP Process/SAP Process StepProcess (SAP Process)/Activity (SAP Process Step), SAP Branch, SAP Scenario, Resource, Class, Interface/Service/Operation (SAP Transaction), Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business ServiceSupports

Supported By

Interface (SAP Interface)/Service (SAP Service), Work Product ^

External Agent, Resource


Work Product - Incoming

Process (SAP Process+)/Activity (SAP Process Step+), SAP Branch+, SAP Scenario+, External Agent, Journey/Moment/Touch, Product, Business Service

Process (SAP Process+)/Activity (SAP Process Step+), SAP Branch+, SAP Scenario+, External Agent, Journey/Moment/Touch, Product, Business Service (or unspecified)

Work Product Flows / Work Product - Outgoing

Work Product - Outgoing

Process (SAP Process+)/Activity (SAP Process Step+), SAP Branch+, SAP Scenario+, External Agent, Journey/Moment/Touch, Product, Business Service

Process (SAP Process+)/Activity (SAP Process Step+), SAP Branch+, SAP Scenario+, External Agent, Journey/Moment/Touch, Product, Business Service (or unspecified)

Work Product Flows / Work Product - Incoming
WPFWork Product FlowsWork ProductProcess (SAP Process+)/Activity (SAP Process Step+), SAP Branch+, SAP Scenario+, External Agent, Journey/Moment/Touch, Product, Business ServiceWork Product - Incoming/Outgoing

^ indicates new relationship in 17.3   

+ indicates that work product flow from an SAP object cannot flow to another SAP object

Bold indicates new relationship or object in iGrafx Cloud 17.6 and iGrafx 17.7 On-premises and later

Objects in the repository can have Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed (RACI) relationships with other objects:

  • Responsible: Performs the work, or responsible for doing the work.
  • Accountable: Supervises the work, accountable for the work being done.
  • Consulted: Helps perform the work, consulted on how to do the work.
  • Informed: Uses the outputs of the work, the audience informed about the work.

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