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Diagram (web-authored)

Diagrams can be created directly in the iGrafx Platform via web browser or created with the iGrafx Client and added to a repository. This page discusses diagrams created via the web.

A Designer, or Architect license is required to create web diagrams (or equivalent User Extensions).

Diagram objects created via the web are either BPMN or Generic diagrams, and reside under Document (non enterprise object) folders or the repository top-level folder. Like other Enterprise Objects, web-authored Diagrams can have relationships, properties, and permissions. They cannot contain other Enterprise Objects, but can reference them from diagram shapes.

See Diagram Details (web) for additional information.

Add a New Diagram via the Web

To add a new Diagram via the web to a repository, do the following:

  1. In the iGrafx Platform, Model area, click a Document folder name (to highlight it) where you want to add a diagram
  2. Click ADD OBJECT at the top of the repository tree
  3. In the Select drop-down, choose Diagram
  4. Choose the diagram type you wish to create (Blank Diagram BPMNGeneric or Journey Map(1) )
  5. Type a Name
  6. Set the Summary, Watch this object, and Create Another fields as desired
  7. Specify the initial version number for this new diagram
  8. Click FINISH

The new Diagram is added to the repository and available for editing in the right pane.

(1) Requires iGrafx Cloud 17.6 or later

Import File to Create a Diagram

To import a Diagram in XML format into a repository, do the following:

  1. In the iGrafx Platform, Model area, click a Document folder name (to highlight it) where you want to add a diagram
  2. Click ADD OBJECT at the bottom of the repository tree
  3. In the Select drop-down, choose Diagram
  4. Choose Import from File
  5. Click CHOOSE FILE
  6. In the resulting File Upload dialog box, find and select one of these file types:
    1. .bpmn – an XML representation of an iGrafx BPMN diagram created via the web or iGrafx Client
    2. .igxw – an XML representation of an iGrafx BPMN or Generic diagram created via the web
  7. Click Open
  8. Set the Summary, Watch this object, and Create Another fields as desired
  9. Specify the initial version number for this new diagram
  10. Click FINISH

The new Diagram is added to the repository and available for File > Check Out and editing in the right pane.

Import from Repository IGX Diagram

To import a Diagram from an existing repository IGX Diagram, do the following:

  1. In the iGrafx Platform, Model area, click a Document folder name (to highlight it) where you want to add a diagram
  2. Click ADD OBJECT at the bottom of the repository tree
  3. In the Select drop-down, choose Diagram
  4. Choose Import from Repository IGX Diagram
  5. Select the Diagram you wish to import
  6. Set the SummaryWatch this object, and Create Another fields as desired
  7. Specify the initial version number for this imported diagram - which includes the ability to progress from the imported IGX Diagram
  8. Click FINISH

The new Diagram is added to the repository alongside the source diagram and available for File > Check Out and editing in the right pane.

The import of Cause and Effect or VSM Diagrams is not supported at this time. Attempting to import diagrams of those types may result in conversion/fidelity issues.

Modify Diagram Details

Like all repository objects, details for diagram objects are specified in the main tab (called "Diagram") and additional tabs in the right frame. These tabs can be displayed or hidden while editing the diagram. To switch from the diagram editor to the diagram details, click the Flyout Menu on the top left of the diagram editor.

To switch from diagram details to the diagram editor, click the DIAGRAM tab or VIEW DIAGRAM.

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