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Licenses vs Capabilities Matrix

iGrafx provides two methods for defining user licenses and capabilities:

Customers upgrading to 17.2 can continue to use the User Extension Method if preferred.

To view your User License(s)

  1. Login to the iGrafx Platform
  2. Click your name in upper right corner of the Platform display
  3. Select the My Profile option
  4. In the right frame, choose the USER INFO tab
  5. See the License Assignment (User Licenses) or License Assignment (User Extensions) section

If your heading says License Assignment (User Extensions) then your capabilities are defined by the User Extension Method.

If you have multiple User Licenses assigned to you then you are granted the maximum, licensed capabilities.

User License Method (for use in version 17.2 or later)

This table highlights the iGrafx Platform capabilities enabled by specific User licenses and Platform Modules.

iGrafx Process 360 Live Design PlatformUser License

Viewer (11)

Connect iGrafx Client
(FlowCharter, Process, or Process for Six Sigma)
View Approved Documents & Diagrams


Endorse and Acknowledge (9) Approved Documents & Diagrams (2)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

View All Enterprise Objects, Dashboards & Reports

(tick)(5) (6)(tick)(tick)(tick)
View & Create Diagram Comments(tick)(5)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Review or Approve Documents & Diagrams
Add and Update non-iGrafx Documents (e.g. PDF, DOC, PPT, etc.)

Create & Edit Folders and Web Address Objects

Check-out & Check-in Client Documents & Diagrams
Start & Schedule Review, Approve, Endorse & Acknowledgement (9) Cycles
Create QuickMap Diagrams (10)

Create, Edit, & Manage Web Diagrams (8)

Propose New Enterprise Objects From a Web Diagram (4)

Create & Edit Resource, Glossary & Term Objects

Create & Edit Dashboards & Reports

Create & Edit All Enterprise Objects (not requiring a Module) (3)

Create Enterprise Objects From Web Diagram Proposals (4)

Create & Edit Diagram Shape Libraries

With "PRC" (Performance Risk & Control) Module

Viewer (11)

View PRC Data Values Displayed in Diagrams(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Edit PRC Data Values
Create & Edit Charts & Tables

Create & Edit PRC Objects (Risks, Controls, KPIs, Opportunities (7))

With "Automation" Module    

Viewer (11)

Participate in Automation Workflow(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick) 
Edit Automation Properties

Deploy Process to Automation

With "API" Module

Viewer (11)

Use the REST API to interact with the application in an automated fashion(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

(1) iGrafx FlowCharter, Process, and Process for Six Sigma are Desktop Clients installed separately from the Platform.

(2) Web Diagrams are individually Endorsed, Reviewed, Acknowledged1 and Approved via Cycle Management.  Client diagrams are contained in .igx documents which are Reviewed, Approved, and Endorsed.

(3) Objects that can be edited without a module are: Strategy, Goal, Requirement, Process, External Agent, Resource, Interface, Service, Operation, Work Product, Class, (Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) Document containing Diagrams, Shortcut, Glossary, Term, Dashboard, Report, Shape Library, Web Address, Journey, Moment, Touch, Product, Business Service and Capability (7).

(4) 17.4 and later

(5) 17.4.1 and later

(6) Viewers can only view Approved objects.

(7) iGrafx Cloud 17.6 and iGrafx 17.7 On-premises and later

(8) Journey Map Diagrams require the iGrafx Cloud (7)

(9) iGrafx Cloud 17.7.1 and iGrafx 17.8 On-premises and later

(10) iGrafx Cloud 17.8.1 and later

(11) iGrafx Viewer license is now 'Deprecated' and not sold for new deployments of the iGrafx Process 360 Live Design Platform

User Extension Method (generally for use in versions 17.1 or earlier)

This table highlights the iGrafx Platform capabilities enabled by specific licenses and user extensions.

(tick) Enabled Functionality

(info) A "User" license is required for every Platform User

iGrafx PlatformUser Extension
(1) User(4) PRC(5) Automation(5) Automation
CollaboratorBPMN Web DiagrammerDesktop Connector(6) Desktop Connector Plus(4) PRC Designer(3) Business Modeler(2,3) Business Architect
Log in to the iGrafx Platform and Connect to a Repository via Browser


View Repository Content / Files (except PRC Data)(tick)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)
Participate in Cycles (e.g., Review, Approve, Endorse, Acknowledge (9)) and Annotate(tick)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)(info)
Create / Edit Repository Folders

Add, Check in / Check out non-iGrafx Files

Perform Cycle Management


Create / Edit "Generic List or Table" Reports

Create QuickMap Diagrams (10)


Create / Edit , Check in / Check out Web Diagrams (8)


Propose New Enterprise Objects From a Web Diagram (7)


Create / Edit Resource, Glossary, and Term Objects

Create / Edit Dashboards (non-PRC gadgets)

Open / Connect to a Platform Repository via Client


Add, Check in / Check out iGrafx Files (only available via Client)


Create / Edit  'Describes' Relationships in web-based Diagrams


Create / Edit  'Describes' Relationships in .igx-based Diagrams


Create / Edit Enterprise Objects

Create Enterprise Objects From Web Diagram Proposals (7)

Create / Edit Relationships among Enterprise Objects

Create / Edit "Generic Matrix" Reports

Create / Edit "Risk Map" Reports

Create / Edit PRC Gadgets on Dashboards

Add / Edit PRC Data (i.e., data points)

(tick) (4)
Create / Edit Charts and Tables

View PRC Data (via any method - Charts, Tables, Gadgets, etc.)

Run Synchronization between Enterprise Modeler and Repository

Create / Design Process Automation Diagrams and Specifications


Participate in / Run Automated Processes


PRC = Performance, Risk and Controls

(1) "User" license required for every Platform User

(2) "Business Architect" comes with the functionality of the Desktop Client with Desktop Connector Plus,  as well as the Enterprise Modeler and Sync tools.

(3) Requires the Architecture Platform Extension.

(4) Requires the PRC Platform Extension

(5) Requires the Automation Platform Extension

(6) Requires purchase of dedicated Desktop Client

(7) 17.4 and later

(8) Journey Map Diagrams require the iGrafx Cloud 17.6 and iGrafx 17.7 On-premises and later

(9) iGrafx Cloud 17.7.1 and iGrafx 17.8 On-premises and later

(10) iGrafx Cloud 17.8.1 and later

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