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Pre-deployed iGrafx Platform on Windows

The configuration of 3rd party software i.e. Operating Systems, Databases, Application Server, etc., in the context of this documentation is for illustration purposes only. iGrafx doesn't imply that the provided examples are the best or only way of configuration for the described scenario. Nor can we guarantee that it is the best option for performance and security. You apply the instructions at your own risk, please consult an expert of the 3rd party software if you are not sure.

The purpose of the pre-deployed Apache Tomcat package is the convenience and ease of installation. It doesn't imply that iGrafx is supporting Apache Tomcat itself or any included sub-system other than the iGrafx software itself under the applicable license agreement.

This topic provides a full list of steps required to install the iGrafx platform on Windows using a pre-deployed iGrafx platform on an Apache™ Tomcat™ server.

Install the Application Server

  1. Transfer the file to the host.
  2. Extract the zip file and place the resulting folder in the location you want the server to use, rename the folder to meet your naming conventions. The result should look like C:\iGrafx\iGrafxPlatform

    Note that the zip file can be extracted to any location you want to use - however we highly recommend a folder near the drive root to minimize the chance of running into the maximum path length boundary (which can vary by operating system).  Be wary of zip decompression tool warnings.  Do not ignore them.  If the decompression flags an error try a different, high level location.

  3. Open a command line and navigate to the C:\iGrafx\iGrafxPlatform\Windows folder.
  4. Run the installation by executing the command: install_service.bat 8080

    If you want to use a different port than 8080 you need to specify it here and adjust the following steps.

    You can chose additional options for the installer. If you run install-service.bat without the port you will see a list of the available options and their defaults.

  5. Open a firewall for port 8080 or your manually-defined port.

  6. Check the log file (\apache-tomcat-x.x.x\logs\catalina*.out) for error messages and resolve them as appropriate.
  7. Check that the application runs at http://localhost:8080 or the alternate port you specified.

Next Steps

To complete the installation, you need to continue as described in the following topics:

For instructions on configuring a proxy, see Configuring a Proxy.

For instructions on configuring authentication methods for the iGrafx platform, see Configuring Authentication.

Optionally, you can install extensions for the iGrafx platform as described in Installation: Optional Steps.

Finally, you can update your existing iGrafx repositories, at version 15.x or earlier, to version 17.x as described in Migrating to the iGrafx Platform.

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