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How can I provide process documentation to internal and external auditors


An internal or external auditor has asked to get access to your process documentation to perform the responsibilities they have in their role. This article describes various solutions that can be applied to provide the necessary data to your auditor.


Depending on the content that needs to be audited, and your ability to provide access to your iGrafx Platform for non-core users, you have several options to provide your auditor with the necessary data.

  1. You can give limited access to your repository directly, by creating a new user with a viewer license that can browser your repository and provide the auditor with the necessary information where to find the processes that need to be audited. To provide the right licenses and rights, you can read our documentation about Roles and Permissions and License Mechanics.
  2. If the number of processes to audit is limited you can configure a Narrative report with all the relevant data, including described objects and custom properties, and then export the narrative as Word or PDF for each diagram.
  3. If the diagram itself and shape notes is all that is required, you can export your diagrams as PDF directly.
  4. If you have a lot of data to be audited but no diagrams are needed, or if used as supplemental information, you can generate Reports to create re-runnable compilations of existing repository data that can also be exported to CSV/Excel and then provided to your auditor.
  5. Should you use the iGrafx Desktop Client, you can use the File → Publish as → Web Page capabilities to export a small, browsable HTML page containing the diagram(s) in your IGX document.

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