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Deploy WAR file

WAR file deployment

The documentation covers the deployment of some combinations of Application Server platform and operating system in related articles. However we can't cover all combinations and in many cases you need to adjust the instructions to cover the customization you made to the application server package. You need to make sure you are aware of you IT policies Operating System constraints and Application Server novelties. iGrafx instructions are understood to augment the Operation System or Java Application Server deployment documentation and recommendations, and is never superseding such information.

Recommended combination of Operating System and Java Application Server

If you are in doubt and have no standardized application server or special IT needs we recommend you start with the following deployment:

You can migrate the iGrafx Platform later to a different machine, Operating System and/or Java Application Server if your IT requirements change.

The configuration of 3rd party software i.e. Operating Systems, Databases, Application Server, etc., in the context of this documentation is for illustration purposes only. iGrafx doesn't imply that the provided examples are the best or only way of configuration for the described scenario. Nor can we guarantee that it is the best option for performance and security. You apply the instructions at your own risk, please consult an expert of the 3rd party software if you are not sure.

Deployment Preparations

The following settings need to be configured before you attempt to deploy the WAR file. How those configurations are made on your machine depends on the Operating System as well as the deployment mechanisms you use. You may require additional startup parameters to comply with IT policies or your application server platform requirements. The below stated options are the minimal or most frequently applied options.

File system

Create a local folder on the Java Application Server host. If the application server is running in a dedicated user context make sure the service user has read/write permissions on the folder.

See Installation and Base directories for more information. Usually the base directory will be on a different physical location on your harddrive and not be part of the installation folder, this depends on your IT policies. Please note that the contents of this folder must stay intact when you update the Java Application Server or the iGrafx Platform.

Startup parameters

You need to add the following parameters to your application server. Adjust the values as necessary.


-Digrafx.basedirectory=PathToBaseDirectory (some environments prefer absolute paths over relative or vice versa)

JVM memory

-Xms### and -Xmx###

See Sizing and deployment recommendations for some general sizing recommendations. The settings for -Xms or -Xmx depend on your individual use case, while it may work we don't recommend assigning less than 2GB for the maximum heap stack.


It goes without saying that you should backup your databases. Please also make a backup from the igrafx base directory after the application is configured, you can include it in your automatic backup process, data data store in the folder is minimal and hardly ever changes but you want to have a backup in case you need to restore on a different machine or similar scenarios.


You don't need to configure logging from the file level. Logging is configured in the software administration area and will produce an application log file in the /log within the base directory configured above. You will also have logging information showing up in the applicable server log files.

If you want to specify custom logging put your log4j2.xml file in the base directory or start with the attached log4j2.xml file and adjust as necessary.

To enable the custom logging you need to set the following startup parameter:


Required additional libraries

Download the javax.mail-1.6.2.jar file and activation-1.1.1.jar from and and place them in the folder tomcat/lib


Place the WAR file in your application server deployment folder and deploy into the root context. In most application servers this requires the file to be renamed to ROOT.war or extracted into a ROOT folder.

Post deployment setup

See :

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