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Server Sizing Recommendations

This section describes the recommended server requirements for the iGrafx Platform components.

The provided numbers are an estimation based on average usage we experienced with many customers, your requirements may vary depending on the exact use cases and utilization.

Web Application and Database Server Memory and Processor 

The table below gives recommendations based on six levels of usage. Customers should use the table as a guide based on their anticipated usage pattern.  However, this is provided as a general guideline.  When planning for deployment the customer should work directly with iGrafx Professional Services to plan out the deployment based on specific usage patterns evaluating options such as load balancing, clustering, etc.


 Application ServerDatabase Server
User capacityParallel userCoresMemory [GB]CoresMemory [GB]
< 50 Users5 users2424
200 Users20 Users4646
500 Users50 Users6868
1,000 Users80 Users8888
10,000 Users*250 Users12121212
20,000 Users*500 Users16161616

System requirements to handle expected peak times for larger installations is difficult to estimate. It is strongly recommended to phase in such systems and consider clustering to allow the required network bandwidth to scale.

It is recommended to separate Database and Application server on two machines. Above estimation assumes separate machines for Application Server and Database Server.

Note the parallel users are not a linear percentage of the user capacity. Experience shows that on average as the deployment grows, the percentage of simultaneous connections decreases.

Parallel users are users performing any sort of action on the application within a 10 second time window.

Web Application and Database Server Disk Space

This table gives recommendations based on four different levels of usage. “Documents” refers to both iGrafx documents and other objects (e.g. Microsoft Word and Excel documents).

Disk usage is estimated using an average file version size of 500KB and up to 50 versions stored.

Disk usage is dependent on the number of authors (e.g. FlowCharter users) and not the total number of authors, viewers, and browsers. Disk space use is not directly proportional to the number of authors because some new repository documents are shared and linked to existing repository content (i.e. existing content is reused).


Application Server

Database Server


Est # Documents

Disk Space [GB]

Disk Space [GB]

















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