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Connect server to an existing admin database


You needed to reinstall the iGrafx platform application server on a different machine or changed the path name or location of the web application server.


If you still have the basedirectory i.e. igrafxdata:

  1. Copy the file dbconfig.xml into your new basedirectory.
  2. Restart the application server.

If don't have a basedirectory or dbconfig.xml file backup

  1. With the information in Change database connection without browser access create a new dbconfig.xml file.
  2. Copy the file dbconfig.xml into your basedirectory.
  3. Restart the application server.

If you use a backup of your dbconfig.xml file, but know that your DB user name or password changed, you can replace the encrypted values in your dbconfig.xml file with clear text to start the application. If you require the text to be changed into an encrypted string you can do this through entering the same values in the Administration > Server Settings > Database Settings dialog once you regained access to your iGrafx Platform.

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