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Cleanly upgrade a synchronized repository from iGrafx 2015 to Origins

If you have a repository in iGrafx 2015 that is synchronized with Enterprise Modeler then the following steps will result in a clean upgrade to a synchronized Origins repository. Due to significant changes in the structure of the resources in the repository in Origins, after migration you should avoid making edits prior to your first synchronization. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Before you upgrade the iGrafx 2015 repository, synchronize to ensure that you have an up-to-date synchronization with EM
  2. Ensure you have a backup of the iGrafx 2015 Enterprise Modeler model.
  3. Perform the repository migration and register the new repository with the Origins server
  4. Synchronize to the iGrafx 2015 Enterprise Modeler model to the migrated repository using the Origins synchronizer. This is a special synchronization that upgrades the model in Enterprise Modeler to be compatible with the model in Origins.
  5. Synchronize again. This is your first Origins synchronization, and also has a role in completing some book-keeping remaining after the upgrade process
  • Your first Origins synchronization will take an abnormally long time to read and upgrade the synchronization history. For models with tens of thousands of enterprise objects this could take several hours
  • If you have many resources, particularly Organization type resources, you will see a large number of "Merge Conflicts" related to resource types. This is expected, and the default merge conflict resolution rule is the correct one to use

If you are synchronized with both Process Central and SAP Solution Manager in iGrafx 2015, then you MUST complete the sychronization to the repository in Origins prior to performing a synchronization with Solution Manager.


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