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How to resolve LDAP synchronization conflicts with disabled users


A user that is active and enabled in your Active Directory may not be able to log into the platform and gets a "Your account has been disabled." message.


If a user is disabled or recreated between synchronizations, their internal identifier (provided via Active Directory) can change, causing a user synchronization conflict in the iGrafx Platform. This conflict prevents the correct user from being imported.


The following steps allow the outdated and disabled user to be replaced with the correct user. We will verify the conflict first via a manual LDAP import, then resolve it.

  1. Go to Administration → User Management → Directories
  2. Click Update  on your LDAP directory (if multiple directories are present, pick the one that contains the user you are seeing the conflict with)
  3. If there is a user in conflict, there will be an orange warning for that user. If there is no user in conflict, your issue is a different one and we recommend checking our Knowledgebase or getting in touch with our team at the iGrafx Service Desk ECHO
  4. Go to Administration → User Management → Users
  5. Find the user in conflict and click Delete , then confirm the deletion
  6. Rerun a manual update as described in steps 1 + 2
  7. Confirm the import
  8. After your import completes, which can take a few seconds up to several minutes depending on the size of your directory, the user should have been recreated and be able to log into the iGrafx Platform again.

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