Purpose: A rollup performance indicator is a metric that aggregates and summarizes individual time-based performance indicators to provide an overall measure of performance across time.
To create a Rollup Performance Indicator:
In the repository tree, click the name of a Performance Indicator to highlight it
In the right frame, SETTINGS tab, choose Rollup in the Type of Data drop-down
In the DATA tab, Rolled up Performance Indicators section, click ADD
In the Choose Objects dialog, you can:
Type the name of an existing Performance Indicator in the Search field and select it when found
Click the Search button and select one or more objects from the list of all existing Performance Indicators (this could take a few minutes depending on the number of existing Performance Indicators)
Click the Show Tree switch, expand folders, and select an object
When you finish selecting Performance Indicators, click CONFIRM SELECTION
The selected child Performance Indicators appear in the Rolled Up Performance Indicators table.
To work together in a rollup, the child performance indicators must all use the same unit of measurement.
The three drop-down lists at the top of this table determine how the data from the child performance indicators is combined into the rollup performance indicator, as follows:
The Aggregation Method setting determines how the aggregated data from each child is aggregated into the rollup performance indicator. Possible methods are Average, High, Low, and Sum.
The Period setting determines how much of the time covered by the child performance indicators will appear in the rollup. The possible ranges are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly. For whichever time duration you select, the rollup will use data from the most recent and previous increments.
The Child Aggregation setting determines how the data within each child performance indicator is aggregated internally before being aggregated again into the rollup as specified by Aggregation Method setting. Possible methods are Average,Open, High, Low, Close, and Sum.
Data Collection: The Data Collection option let’s you determine if you want to aggregate data up to today’s date, or only up to the last available data point across your rolled up performance indicators. “Current” is valuable if you consistently have the latest data being provided into the iGrafx Design application through an automation, and you want to immediately see on your Rolled Up performance indicator if data is missing.
If you use “Current period” and you have a monthly “Average” rollup, and you have data that goes up into November, but no data for December yet, once it is the first of December, the data will be empty for the “This Month” column, and November’s data will appear in the “Last month” column.
With the same Performance Indicator, if you were to switch to “Last data point”, the column headers would switch from “This Month” and “Last Month” to “Current” and “Previous”. Now, the data for November would appear in the “Current” column (because it is the latest data point available in the series) and the data for October would appear in the “Previous” column.
Under the Rolled Up Performance Indicators table, data from the child performance indicators used in the rollup are listed by date/value pairs under Data.