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Change from one Database Server Instance to another

If you want to move from one SQL Server Instance or Machine to another the following steps may be useful to you.

There are two routes you can take. Depending on your IT infrastructure you may prefer one or the other, they lead to the same result.

Step-by-step guide

Don't disable the databases or shut down the SQL server before the last step below.

  1. Backup all iGrafx Databases, confirm:
    1. Administration database backed up if separate from the main repository this may be in a separate DB. The tables are prefixed with "adm"
    2. All repositories backed up
  2. In your browser go to the iGrafx Platform Administration > Repositories
    1. DISABLE (not unregister) all repositories.
  3. Copy the Administration and Repository Databases to the new Server or Instance.
  4. In your browser go to the iGrafx Platform Administration > Server Settings > Database Settings 
    1. Change the path to the Database Server or Instance.
    2. Click Save Changes
  5. Restart the iGrafx Platform application Service
  6. In your browser go to the iGrafx Platform Administration > Server Settings > Database Settings and verify the new path is still set. 
    1. If the old DB path shows up after the restart, change it again, restart and check. If it still shows the old path contact support.
    2. If the new DB path shows up after the restart, click again on Save Changes.
  7. In your browser go to the iGrafx Platform Administration > Repositories
    1. Edit the Database connection for each repository.
    2. Enable the repositories
  8. Remove Databases from old Server.

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