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Embed a Video (mp4) or Audio (mp3) File on a Dashboard

For Video Files

  1. Upload the video into an iGrafx Platform Repository e.g. an external files folder (best practice would be .mp4, as most browsers can play this file format, .webm and .ogg will also work with some browsers).
  2. Navigate to the newly created object
  3. From the browser address bar, note the repository shortname and the number (=object ID) 
  4. Go to the Dashboard object that you would like to add the video to
  5. Choose "Add new Gadget" and then "Rich Text" from the list.
  6. Change the editor to code by clicking the "<>" button.
  7. A new window will open where you can enter the following code: 

<p><video width="320" height="240" controls>
  <source src="/Process/RepoShortname?objid=8394&type=objdata&redirpath" type="video/mp4">

Replace RepoShortname with your repository shortname and in "objid=8394" replace the number with the number of your create video object. Note: You can change the "width" and "height" if desired.

8. Save your changes by pressing the "save changes" button. 

For Audio Files

  1. Upload the audio file into an iGrafx Platform Repository e.g. an external files folder (best practice would be .mp3, as most browsers can play this file format, .ogg and .wav will also work with some browsers).
  2. Navigate to the newly created object
  3. From the browser address bar, note the repository shortname and the number (=object ID) 
  4. Go to the Dashboard object that you would like to add the audio file to
  5. Choose "Add new Gadget" and then "Rich Text" from the list.
  6. Change the editor to code by clicking the "<>" button.
  7. A new window will open where you can enter the following code: 

<p><audio controls>
  <source src="/Process/RepoShortname?objid=8396&type=objdata&redirpath" type="audio/mpeg">

Replace RepoShortname with your repository shortname and in "objid=8396" replace the number with the number of your create video object. 

8. Save your changes by pressing the "save changes" button. 

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