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Support Settings

This documentation page is new and over time will include additional explanations of the Administration area, Support page.

In the meantime, here's some information about the Audit Settings feature.

Audit Settings

For enhanced auditing capabilities please check: Enhanced Auditing Capabilities

As an administrator, you may wish to understand which users are active and display some basic statistics about their platform use in order to:

  1. Identify who is using the software and inform them about iGrafx Platform changes
  2. Identify users who are using iGrafx infrequently and provide them additional training if necessary
  3. Identify users who have never used iGrafx

To track product usage:

  1. Choose the Administration area, and then Support
  2. Click the System Information tab
  3. Near the bottom of the page, turn on Audit information about successful and failed logins 
    By default, this setting is off.

When usage tracking is on, to display individual usage: 

  1. Choose the Administration area, and then User Management
  2. Click the Users tab
  3. Click the name of any user
  4. The left side of the page displays the Last Login and Logins in the last 90 days:

To view audit information in report form:

    User information, login count, and last login date is downloaded to a csv file.

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