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Restore a Microsoft SQL server database backup

The configuration of 3rd party software i.e. Operating Systems, Databases, Application Server, etc., in the context of this documentation is for illustration purposes only. iGrafx doesn't imply that the provided examples are the best or only way of configuration for the described scenario. Nor can we guarantee that it is the best option for performance and security. You apply the instructions at your own risk, please consult an expert of the 3rd party software if you are not sure.

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Right click on the Databases folder.
  3. From the context menu select Restore Database
  4. In the restore database dialog
    1. On device, click the "..." button to open the select dialog.
    2. Add the backup file
    3. Change the name of the database if required. You can select an existing database from the dropdown or type in a new name which will create a new database for you while restoring.

      Restoring a database over an existing database is a dangerous step and may cause loss of data in the restore target database.

      If the restore target is a database currently used by an iGrafx platform application server, stop the application server service and start it again after the restore completed successfully.

      Application server stop and start isn't required if the database you restore to is a new or empty database.

    4. Depending on your IT environment you may need to change additional settings in the Files section of the restore database dialog.
    5. Click the OK button
  5. Open the Security > Login folder.
  6. Double click the user you want to connect with to this database, or create a new user.

    You can try to register the repository in the database now. But if the registration fails with an error message telling you that the repository is already registered consider the optional step(s).

    Optional Steps

  7. If you moved the repository from another iGrafx platform installation or cloned an existing repository you need to follow the steps described in
    Register repository to another platform instance or clone an existing repository

iGrafx platform repository administration

Follow the instructions provided in the Registering an Existing Repository section of the Managing Repositories article.

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