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IQL query properties


Property elements specify properties an object may have, and appear in the report as columns in a list. Furthermore, most can be used to filter report results. The following table lists all the available property elements (including those that represent relationships). See Enterprise Object Relationships for more detailed information on relationships.

PropertyApplies ToPossible Values
accountable (.resource, .role)All
acknowledgementApplicantDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportsusername of the user started the running cycle
acknowledgementCycleLogDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsAll actions that take place in acknowledgement cycles
acknowledgmentCycleNonparticipantsDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUsers in the cycle that have not acknowledged yet.
acknowledgementCycleParticipationDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsAcknowledged By usernames


Documents, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUsers who have acknowledged in the cycle (only accessible if a cycle is running on the respective version)
acknowledgementGroupActionPendingDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUsers the acknowledgement cycle is waiting on (only accessible if a cycle is running on the respective version)
acknowledgementGroupUsersDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsAll users in the acknowledgement cycle group configured for this object
acknowledgementStartDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when the active, in-progress acknowledgement cycle started
acknowledgementStateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsCycleState
ancestorAllAccess objects that have this common ancestor
approvalApplicantDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportsusername of the user started the running cycle
approvalCycleLogDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsAll actions that take place in approval cycles
approvalCycleNonparticipantsDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUsers in the cycle that have not voted yet. Note that some users listed might not be able to vote currently if they are in an ordered cycle group, or if they are in a group that already has the required number of voters.
approvalCycleParticipationDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsVote Approval Yes, Vote Approval No by usernames
approvalDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when approved
approvalDateOmitVersionDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when any version of the object was last approved
approvalGroupActionCompletedDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUsers who have voted in the cycle (only accessible if a cycle is running on the respective version)
approvalGroupActionPendingDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUsers the approval cycle is waiting on (only accessible if a cycle is running on the respective version)
approvalGroupUsersDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsAll users in the approval cycle group configured for this object
approvalNextStartDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when next scheduled approval cycle will start
approvalStartDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when the active, in-progress approval cycle started
approvalStateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsCycleState
approvedDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportstrue/false
approversDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reports
auditsBusiness Rules
benefitProvidedByAll Enterprise Objects(Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address
checkedOutDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportsdate/time
checkedOutToDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportsusername
commentDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportscheck-in comment
comments (.author, .content, .date, .resolved)WebDiagrams, IGX Diagrams

All comments and replies.

comments.resolved: true/false

commentsCountWebDiagrams, IGX Diagramsnumber, count of all comments and replies
consulted (.resource, .role)All
controlsBusiness Rules
currentApprovedVersionIDDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsThe version ID of the current approved version of the object. The value is zero if it has not been approved or if there is no current approved version.
currentRiskData.factDateRisks, Risk Instancesdate/time
currentRiskData.factFinancialImpactRisks, Risk Instances
currentRiskData.factValueRisks, Risk Instances
currentRiskData.inherentRiskRisks, Risk Instances
currentRiskData.initialRiskRisks, Risk Instances
currentRiskData.reasonRisks, Risk Instances
currentRiskData.residualRiskRisks, Risk Instances
currentRiskData.risk:appetiteRisks, Risk InstancesLevel
currentRiskData.risk:impactRisks, Risk InstancesLevel
currentRiskData.risk:likelihoodRisks, Risk InstancesLevel
currentRiskData.savedByRisks, Risk InstancesUsername
custom:xxxxAnyCustom Properties and their custom types are user defined for specific object types
deliveredByProduct, Business Service
depthAllDepth in the repository tree hierarchy (0=Root, 1 = within a top level folder, etc.)
describesDiagram and WebDiagramCan also access this relationship for diagram elements on the diagram as


describesStateWebDiagram and Diagram Elements

Contains information if the diagram itself or the respective diagram element describe an object in your enterprise model. Possible values are

  • None
  • Accepted (see property: describes )
  • New Object Proposed
  • Existing Object Proposed (see property: proposedObject)
diagramElement (.ID, .name, .shapeNumber)Diagram and WebDiagramSpecial relationship to access Custom Properties on objects inside a diagram (via .custom:property)
elementTypeDiagram and WebDiagramCan also access element type for diagram elements in the diagram as


See list of element types

documentsDocuments, WebDiagrams, WebAddresses, ExternalFiles
electiveWatchersAllList of users who have elected to watch the object
enabledByProcess/Activity, Journey/Moment/Touch
endorsedDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportstrue/false
endorsementApplicantDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportsusername of the user started the running cycle
endorsementCycleLogDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsAll actions that take place in endorsement cycles
endorsementCycleNonparticipantsDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUsers in the cycle that have not endorsed yet. Note that some users listed might not be able to endorse currently if they are in an ordered cycle group, or if they are in a group that already has the required number of endorsers.
endorsementCycleParticipationDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsEndorsed By usernames
endorsementDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when endorsed
endorsementDateOmitVersionDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when any version of the object was last endorsed
endorsementGroupActionCompletedDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUsers who have endorsed the cycle (only accessible if a cycle is running on the respective version)
endorsementGroupActionPendingDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUsers the endorsement cycle is waiting on (only accessible if a cycle is running on the respective version)
endorsementGroupUsersDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsAll users in the endorsement cycle group configured for this object
endorsementNextStartDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when next scheduled endorsement cycle will start
endorsementStartDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when the active, in-progress endorsement cycle started
endorsementStateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsCycleState
endorsersDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reports
flows (.from, .to)Work Product



The groups and respective item roles directly assigned on an object.

(info) This property does not show item roles inherited from ancestors, only group assignments made on the object itself.

hasCapabilityResource, External Agent
hasGoalEnterprise Objects
hasOpportunityAll Enterprise Objects(Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address
hasRequirementEnterprise Objects
hasRiskAll Enterprise Objects(Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web AddressAssociated risk objects of an Enterprise Object through the Has Risk relationship
hasRiskInstanceEnterprise ObjectsAssociated risk instance objects of an Enterprise Object through the Has Risk Instance relationship
hasRiskRelatedObjectRisks and Risk InstancesIndicates if the data on this risk is associated with a specific enterprise object (like a Resource/Legal Entity). This relationship is managed through the Risk Data tab on ICS style risks.
hasSAPLogicalComponentSAPProcessSteps, SAPMasterData, SAPInterfaces
hasStrategyEnterprise Objects
IDAllRepository ID or Diagram Element ID
implementsProcess/Activity, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business Service, Work Products
informed (.resource, .role)All
isAccountableFor (.object, .role)Resources
isAuditedByEnterprise Objects
isCheckedOutDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportstrue/false
isConsultedAbout (.object, .role)Resources
isControlInstanceForControl Instance
isControlledByEnterprise Objects
isDescribedByEnterprise Objects
isDescribedByDiagramElementEnterprise Objects
isDocumentedByEnterprise Objects
isDocumentedByUrlEnterprise Objects
isImplementedByControl, Control Instance, Class
isInformedAbout (.object, .role)Resources
isKeyControlControl, Control Instance
isMeasuredByEnterprise Objects
isOpportunityForRisk, Risk Instance,Opportunity, Opportunity Instance
isOpportunityInstanceForRisk Instance, Opportunity Instance
isResponsibleFor (.object, .role)Resources
isRiskForRisk, Risk Instance, Opportunity, Opportunity Instance
isRiskInstanceForRisk Instance
isRolledUpInPerformance Indicator
isSAPLogicalComponentForSAP Logical Component
isSupportedBy (.object, .sapInScope)Enterprise Objects (most)
linkedUrl1Web Diagrams, IGX Diagrams
linksObjectAllReferences repository objects that are linked in diagram elements and diagram element notes, summary, purpose or description.
MEUser mapped to ResourceReturns the Resource Object associated with the logged-in user. Only available as filter property.
measuresPerformance Indicator
objectLinkedByAllReferences objects that contain diagram elements, notes, summary, purpose or instructions that link to this repository object
openComments (.date)WebDiagrams, IGX DiagramsAll unresolved comments (with date)
openCommentsCountWebDiagrams, IGX Diagramsnumber, count of unresolved comments
piDataSeriesTypePerformance IndicatorsPIDataSeriesType
piFactIdentiferPerformance Indicators
piPreemptPerformance Indicatorstrue/false
piRatingSystemPerformance IndicatorsPIRatingSystem
piTypePerformance IndicatorsPIType
piUnitPerformance Indicators
piWeightingPerformance IndicatorsPIWeighting
posesThreatToAll Enterprise Objects(Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address
processOwnerDiagrams, ProcessesIndicates the person (not resource object) that is the Process Owner for this object
projectEndDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportsdate/time
projectNameDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reports
projectPercentCompleteDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reports
projectStartDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportsdate/time
proposedObjectWebDiagrams and Diagram ElementsIf the describesState of a diagram is Existing Object Proposed , this property will contain the object that was proposed for the describes relationship.
providesBenefitToAll Enterprise Objects(Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address
ratingControls, Control InstancesControl Rating
receives (.from, .workProduct)Process, Activity, External Agent
requiredGroupWatchersAllList of groups that are required to watch the object
requiredUserWatchersAllList of users that are required to watch the object
requiresMoment, Touch, Product, Business Service
resourceAttendedResourcesOnly applies to Resources of type Bot
resourceInstanceResourceTypeAccess RESOURCE objects from RESOURCE_TYPE object
resourceTypeResourcesAccess RESOURCE_TYPE object from RESOURCE object
responsible (.resource, .role)All
reviewApplicantDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportsusername of the user started the running cycle
reviewCycleLogAllAll actions that take place in review cycles
reviewCycleNonparticipantsAllUsers in the cycle that have not reviewed yet. Note that some users listed might not be able to review currently if they are in an ordered cycle group, or if they are in a group that already has the required number of reviewers.
reviewCycleParticipationAllReviewed By usernames
reviewDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when reviewed
reviewDateOmitVersionDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when any version of the object was last reviewed
reviewedDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportstrue/false
reviewersDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reports, Enterprise Objects
reviewGroupActionCompletedDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUsers who have reviewed the cycle (only accessible if a cycle is running on the respective version)
reviewGroupActionPendingDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUsers the review cycle is waiting on (only accessible if a cycle is running on the respective version)
reviewGroupUsersDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsAll users in the review cycle group configured for this object
reviewNextStartDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when next scheduled review cycle will start
reviewStartDateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsDate when the active, in-progress review cycle started
reviewStateDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsCycleState
risk:categoryControls, Control Instances, Risks, Risk InstancesRisk Category
riskDataSeriesTypeRisk and Risk Instances
riskFinancialImpactUnitRisk and Risk Instances
riskPreemptRisk and Risk Instances
riskRelatedObjectForEnterprise ObjectsIndicates if this object is associated with a specific set of risk data on a risk or risk instance object. This relationship is managed on the risks data tab for ICS style risks.
riskWeightingRisk and Risk Instances
rollsUpPerformance Indicator
rootResourceTypeResourceType ObjectsRootResourceType
sapCustomTransactionSAP Transactionstrue/false
sapDocumentBlueprintRelevantDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reportstrue/false
sapDocumentStatusDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsSAPStatus
sapDocumentTypeDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reports
sapInScopeSAP objectstrue/false
sends (.to, .workProduct)Process, Activity, External Agent
shapeLibraryUsedByWeb Diagram
sizeDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, Reports
specialResourceTypeResourceType ObjectsSpecialResourceType
subtypeControls, Control Instances, Performance Indicators, Risks, Risk InstancesThe sub type of the type. Examples include Business Rule, Control, Gap, Measurement, Instance and Compliance
supports (.object, .sapInScope)Process/Activity, Class, Interface/Service, Journey/Moment/Touch, Capability, Product, Business Service, External Agent, Operation, Resource, SAP Branch/SAP Scenario/SAP Process/SAP Process Step, SAP Interface, SAP Service, SAP Master Data, SAP Transaction
textAllFulltext search for words included in string fields and document content. Only available as filter property.
threatPosedByAll Enterprise Objects(Web-authored) Diagram, (Client-authored) IGX Document, IGX Diagram, IGX Sheet, External File, Web Address
urlWeb Addresses

The users and respective item roles directly assigned on an object.

(info) This property does not show item roles inherited from ancestors, only user assignments made on the object itself.

usesShapeLibraryShape Library
versionDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsUser Displayable version of object
versionIDDocuments, WebDiagrams, ExternalFiles, ReportsInternal version of object
workProductLayerWork ProductsWorkProductLayer

(warning) SAP functionality is retired. Existing SAP objects are retained, though new SAP objects and connections may no longer be made. (warning)

See ICS Reporting for ICS specific reporting

Custom Properties

When you create custom object properties in a repository, they are assigned a display name and a property name. The property name must start with a letter, and use only letters, numbers, and underscores. This is required so that you can use this custom property name as an element in report filter strings.

To use a custom property in a report filter string, prefix it with "custom:".

For example, if you had a custom property named "kpiCategory" you could use it in a report filter string as "custom:kpiCategory".

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