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19.5.2 Datacenter Highlights

19.5.2 Datacenter Highlights


Reporting - CycleLog

We have extended our cycle reporting capabilities to allow cycle managers and interested stakeholders a more concise overview of cycle activities. The CycleLog properties get all actions in the cycle (cycle start, votes, cycle finalized, etc). It defaults to showing time, user, action, and comment. The CycleParticipation properties only show the votes. By adding subproperties (approvalCycleParticipation.time, approvalCycleParticipation.action, etc), you can report on specific details for the cycle participation.


The following properties have been added:

approvalCycleLog, endorsementCycleLog, reviewCycleLog, acknowledgementCycleLog
approvalCycleParticipation, endorsementCycleParticipation, reviewCycleParticipation, acknowledgementCycleParticipation

Learn more about available reporting properties

Metrics - Custom Properties of Described Objects

This feature will save you time and/or allow you to view important information in one place! You can now add numeric custom properties of your described objects to your Metrics Explorer and Metrics Panel to surface key metrics (costs, customer experience score, duration, # of resources, etc.) connected to your shapes. The metrics panel can show you all values in table format.
First add a custom property (type: Number, Duration or Distance on Repository Objects) to your repository, add a value of the custom property on the item properties tab of the described object and lastly add the custom property to your Metrics within the diagram (see details Metrics Overlay).


REST API - iGrafx API Policy

We outline the responsibilities and expectations when interacting with iGrafx REST APIs. By following API Best Practices, you can ensure to develop resilient integrations with external systems and reduce the risk of service interruptions.

Learn more about the iGrafx API Policy

Link to API documentation

REST API - API Live Testing

The Rest API Playground of your Process Design app now supports API Key authentication.


To access the API Playground for Live testing, you will need the Access Support Features and Access REST API server permission. Log into your Process Design app and go to Admin → Support → REST API → iGrafx Platform API Documentation → API

REST API - List Users

Using the List User endpoint, you can now filter users by enabled = true (returns only enabled users) or enabled = false (returns only disabled users).

Dashboard - Custom Object List Gadget

The Custom Object List Gadget, available on Dashboards, can now list folders within root folders like your Process or Resource folders.


IGX Conversion/Import - Auto-accept existing relationships

As an Architect, you can now select to automatically accept the describes relationships during your IGX import if they already exist in your IGX document.


Early Access Features

New Display Fields - New Fields

You can now find new sections (PROC - Performance Indicators, Risks, Opportunities and Controls, Other relationships) to configure additional fields on your shapes to surface relevant information to your end users.


Learn more about Display Fields

Visual Updates

List of minor visual updates made in 19.5.2

This list of visual updates is provided for customers that need specific awareness of UI updates to Process360 Live Design.

Learn More

The custom properties panel in diagrams has several minor visual updates associated with updating the underlying technology for this panel. No changes in functionality. The “Collection of text” property type has the largest visual change.


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