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Setting up SSO via an Azure AD Enterprise Application

The following steps only apply if you are using the iGrafx Platform Datacenter Edition for on-premises installations. If you are a subscriber of our cloud solution, follow the Legacy SAML Setup Guide instead.

  1. Navigate to „Enterprise Application“ under
  2. Click New application 

  3. Click Create your own application and enter a name

  4. Click Create

  5. Click Get started

  6. Click SAML

  7. Click Edit

  8. Click Add Identifier and enter your platform URL with /saml/medata at the end.
    Add the Reply URL following the schema platform URL with /saml/SSO
    Lastly add the Sign on URL

  9. Click Save

  10. Copy the App Federation Metadata Url

  11. In your System properties set
    igrafx.usercentral.saml.metadataurl=YOUR_METADATA_URL  or enter the URL in your browser to download the SAML metadata XML and upload it in your iGrafx platform (Administration → User management → SAML → Upload metadata file
    Also set the system property for your entity ID, which you can see at the top of the same page
    and ensure the system property to turn on SAML is correct: 

  12. Ensure your samlKeystore.jks  is set up and the keystore access information is present in the  file as described under Set up a SAML2 keystore under SAML Authentication (ADFS, Okta, Centrify, Azure AD)
  13. Restart your platform
  14. Ensure your NameID (configurable in the Attributes & Claims section) is configured to match the login name of your users in the platform
  15. If any issues arise, follow the instructions to enable debugging described under SAML Authentication (ADFS, Okta, Centrify, Azure AD)


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