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Preauthentication Scenarios

Profile: preauthsecurity

When you are installing the iGrafx platform on an application server that authenticates its users before they actually reach the deployed applications, the iGrafx platform runs in a preauthenticated environment, where it is not necessary to authenticate the user because the server has done that. To enable this authentication scheme, use the profile name preauthsecurity. After making this change, restart your application server.

The iGrafx platform will then read the principal from the HTTP request that the application server passes on.

The preauthentication scheme will work only for the web-based login. The iGrafx client login will be the same as in the default authentication scheme.

The client login fall back will only work in a preauthentication environment that does supports session based authentication. The iGrafx Desktop client won't work If you use 2 way SSL the client or similar technologies, we highly recommend you look into other options like SAML2 Authentication (ADFS, Okta, Centrify).



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