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How to resolve a blank page when accessing the iGrafx Service Desk ECHO


When accessing the Service Desk ECHO at, you are only seeing a blank page and no content or accessible links.


This issue can either be caused by an outdated security token or when using an unsupported browser, like Internet Explorer 11 or earlier.


Outdated Browser

The Service Desk ECHO does not support Internet Explorer Version 11 or older any more. Use a newer, supported browser to access the help desk instead.

Provided the browser version is still under official public support by their manufacturer, iGrafx supports Microsoft Edge®, Google Chrome™ and Mozilla Firefox®.

Outdated Security Token

If you are using a supported browser and still presented with a blank page after accessing ECHO, deleting the browser cache and cookies will allow you to access ECHO again. After clearing the cookies, you will have to log in.

The steps for clearing a websites cookies and cache vary between browsers and we recommend using your dedicated browsers settings dialog to search for the correct area to perform this action.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.