How to gain access to a checked out diagram
Diagrams that are currently checked-out by a different user cannot be deleted, moved or modified.
This article explains how an administrator can get access to the diagram's latest checked-in version or the working draft.
Requirements for the user to gain access
Any item role that gives you the three permissions "View", "See Unapproved" and "Administer" on the object you want to undo the checkout on.
Step-by-step guide to gain access to the latest checked-in version
All changes done in the working draft will be lost when undoing the checkout
- Navigate to the diagram in the web (see link below for IGX documents)
- Go to its DETAILS tab
- Click UNDO CHECKOUT and confirm
Step-by-step guide to gain access to the working draft
- Navigate to the diagram in the web (see link below for IGX documents)
- Go to its HISTORY tab
- Click VIEW on the working draft
- Click File -> Export to File -> Export as IGXW
- Click the diagram in the tree - or select the latest version on the diagram tab using the version dropdown, if available
- Go to the DETAILS tab of the diagram
- Click UNDO CHECKOUT and confirm
- Go back to the DIAGRAM tab
- Click File → Check Out
- Click File → Import from File
- Select the IGXW you have just exported
- Check in the diagram or continue working on the draft