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24.08.20 v19.3 Updates

24.08.20 v19.3 Updates

With the upcoming release of v19.3, the following features are being integrated into Process360 Live:

  1. New Diagram Experience

  2. Q2 2024 UI Improvements

  3. Process Metrics

Feature integration means these features will be enabled and the option to disable/enable the feature will be removed. Features are integrated into the Product to improve product stability, enhance customer support, and increase the number of features iGrafx is able to develop and provide to our customers and partners.

v19.3 additionally brings the implementation of auto full screen mode for tablet users when they select diagrams from the tree. This change will increase the screen space for customers using smaller screens while viewing diagrams. To leave full screen mode, customers may select the full screen toggle in the bottom right of the screen, or swipe/click the back functionality of their mobile device.

Given the scale of updates to existing capabilities, the planned integration dates were announced in June, 2024 and linked to as part of the v19.1.0 Cloud Release Highlights.

New Features Coming to General Access

Previously in Early Access, soon in General Access:

  1. Process Owner

  2. Bulk Object Changes

Process Owner adds a new field for Process Objects and Diagrams called Process Owner, enabling users to specify Process Owners for these object types.

Bulk Object Changes enables users to make changes to the relationships of multiple objects simultaneously from the search results screen to reduce the administrative work associated with mass update events such as a re-organization. This feature additionally enables IQL queries as valid search parameters on the Search Results page, enabling users to create more targeted search results.

More information highlighting these features will be provided in the v19.3 release highlights. Coming soon!

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