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Synchronizing your user base with the iGrafx Platform

iGrafx Cloud Offering

In our cloud offering, we have two supported ways of synchronizing your users and groups in the iGrafx Platform with external systems. Please be aware that the initial configuration of either of these services is subject to additional fees, if they have not been part of your original order.

SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management)

We support importing and managing your users and groups via SCIM - commonly supported by modern Identity Providers. More details about SCIM can be found in our Azure Automatic User Provisioning FAQ and our tutorial on how to Configure iGrafx for automatic user provisioning using Azure AD/Microsoft Entra ID.

Once you are ready to set up automatic user provisioning contact our support team via to get your SCIM tenant URL.

LDAP/Active Directory

The common LDAP/Active Directory integration that a lot of software uses on-premises can be also used in the cloud. The requirements for this are that the LDAP server the iGrafx Cloud instance needs to connect to is reachable from outside of your company network. The platform can use LDAPS (LDAP over SSL) to establish secure connections where needed. If you are using Microsoft Azure AD, it is also possible to use AAD as proxy to your internal Active Directory via Azure Active Directory Domain Service (MS Azure AD DS). More documentation can be found here

Once your LDAP system is available for outside connections, you can get in touch with our cloud operations team via to coordinate.

iGrafx Data Center Offering

For on-premises deployments, we recommend using an LDAP/Active Directory integration to have your user and group base matched with your centralized user management solution. This integration can be set up to only import specific subsets of users and groups and can refresh automatically with predefined schedules or based on manual imports, depending on your needs.

The article Import users and groups from Active Directory has detailed information on how to set this up in your iGrafx Platform environment.

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