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Lean Types


Lean types were added to .Diagram Defined Custom Properties v18.2 (DDCP) for VSM. They will be used for calculations to the timeline and summary box.

Lean Types

Possible lean types

  • Availability %
  • Changeover Time
  • Defect %
  • Inventory Amount
  • Inventory Time
  • Non-value-add time
  • Operators
  • % Complete and Accurate
  • Processing Time
  • Uptime %
  • Value Add Time

How to set leanType on a new DDCP

  1. On a diagram of type VSM
  2. File → Manage properties → create
  3. Fill out Name fields
  4. Select a property type that is allowed to have a lean type (see allowed type mappings)
  5. New dropdown shows up to select lean type

How to change leanType on an existing DDCP

  1. On a diagram of type VSM
  2. File → Manage properties → edit existing property
  3. If allowed to have a leanType a dropdown can be selected to change the type

No applicable leanTypes

This is shown when the property type that is selected does not support a leanType. This will default to a value of "none" and be ignored when doing calculations for VSM.

Allowed type mappings

  • Percent → None, Availability %, Defect %, % Complete And Accurate, Uptime %
  • Duration / Time → None, Changeover Time, Inventory Time, Non-value-add Time, Processing Time, Value Add Time
  • Numeric → None, Inventory Amount, Operators


While they can't be deleted from the DDCP they can be set to a value of none. This will make it so that they have no affect to VSM diagrams. 

Updating Existing DDCP

Existing DDCP that are in diagrams that existed prior to VSM release can be updated to set a Lean type. This also applies to diagram that's type is changed to VSM.

Additionally property types that have an allowed type mapping can change freely between any of the leanTypes listed above.

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