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Finding Changes

Unread Change Marks

Depending on your My Profilesettings, the Platform repository tree displays change marks (i.e., visual indicators) to highlight repository items where changes have been made by other users (besides you). These indicators are not displayed when the repository tree is viewed with a Client (e.g. FlowCharter).

The change markers are:


Displayed if a child item has been changed

Displayed if the item has been changed

Displayed if both the item and a child item have been changed

These indicators display on the lefthand side of item names until you click on the item name to highlight it. If the item is expanded (e.g. it has children) instead of highlighted, then the change mark remains. Some example change marks are shown below:

Recent Changes Page

Another way to display and view recent Platform changes via browser is to click the icon next to your name (upper right hand corner), and then select the Recent Changes option, as shown below:

The Recent Changes page displays all recent changes, including your edits, that have occurred in the repository. The most recent change appears at the top. As you scroll down the list, additional changes are displayed. Therefore, “recent” depends on how long you want to scroll.

An example of the Recent Changes page is shown below. Change markers are displayed with repository items changed by other users if you have not viewed the item since it was changed. Items that were changed by you do not have a change marker displayed. 

Clicking on any line item in the Recent Changes page allows you to navigate to the repository item. If you click on a line item that has a change marker, when the item is displayed, you have the option to keep the item marked UNREAD – see the next topic below for details.

The Recent Changes page also allows you to:

  1. Filter the items displayed so that only those items that you are currently watching are included in the list (refer to the View Watched Objects Only checkbox).
  2. Filter the line items that you want displayed by entering a Search string.
  3. Remove all change markers from the page by clicking MARK ALL READ.

Keeping an Unread Change Mark

When you view an item with a change mark, the mark disappears from the repository tree or Recent Changes page.

If you want to retain the Change Mark, click the KEEP AS UNREAD displayed in the right pane of the browser display. If you navigate away from the item then the button will no longer be available when you return to the item (until it's been changed again).

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