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Desktop Client: Linking to data in a SharePoint repository

If you do not have an iGrafx repository, or you have the iGrafx repository and want to link to additional data stored in SharePoint, you may link from an object in an iGrafx diagram to data in SharePoint.

For more detailed instructions on how to create a link to a web page (including a SharePoint object), see the iGrafx Help system (Help menu > iGrafx Help), or refer to the iGrafx Knowledge Base article titled "How do I create a link (HyperLink) to a file or web page from a shape?"

However, if you want your links to SharePoint data to remain valid (not break) if you rename or move the data within the same Site in SharePoint, then the following must be true:

  • The ability for SharePoint to generate unique ID's for each item must be enabled by your SharePoint administrator.
  • Use the Unique ID in URL (web address) that you enter when creating the link (i.e. using a URL that ends in "DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=UniqueID"; e.g. of the format http://sharepoint/engineering/_layouts/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=IGRAFX-71-3)
  • The link is followed (activated in iGrafx) AFTER the SharePoint indexing service updates the fact that the item has been renamed.

To create the correct link, that has a document ID redirect in it, the following instructions for SharePoint 2010 may be helpful (again, this assumes this unique ID capability has been enabled by your SharePoint Administrator, and that the indexing service is running to ensure these IDs are updated regularly):

  1. Get the link from SharePoint:
  1. In your Web Browser, find the document/object in SharePoint that you want to link to.
  2. Click the down-arrow at the right edge of the item name, and choose View Properties.
  3. Look for the "Document ID" row of the Properties; e.g. "Document ID" might show "IGRAFX-71-3".
  4. Right-click on the Document ID (e.g. the IGRAFX-71-3) and choose Copy shortcut. 
  5. Close the Properties in SharePoint.
  • Use the link URL in iGrafx:
  1. In the Link dialog box (e.g. select a shape and from the Insert menu, choose Link, click on the File or Web Page button) for Path or URL, paste (e.g. Ctrl+V) the link you copied from SharePoint. For example, your link may look like "http://sharepoint/engineering/_layouts/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=IGRAFX-71-3"
  2. Enter any other link information (e.g. a description) and OK the dialog box.

If you store the iGrafx file (the file that links from a shape to a SharePoint document) in the iGrafx repository, then when viewing the iGrafx diagram in your browser you will be able to follow the link from the diagram object to the object in SharePoint.

Note that the iGrafx repository can store any type of data, so you also have the option of storing your documents in the iGrafx repository instead of in SharePoint. This has the added advantage that if you decide to move where the object is stored anywhere in the repository, the link will not break. In addition, you do not need the extra steps above to use a unique ID to ensure a rename or move does not break the link; simply link to the document in the iGrafx repository and the link will remain valid even if renamed or moved.

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