Desktop Client: How do I Export and Import Data to Lean Value Stream Map (VSM) diagrams
You can export VSM data from iGrafx to an Excel spreadsheet with default or custom templates, change values in the spreadsheet, and import VSM data back into iGrafx. Lean data import and export commands are on the Lean menu.
Export Lean Data
The Export VSM Table to Excel command requires Excel. If the command is grayed out, Excel is not installed.
Export VSM Data to Text
This command outputs all Lean data to a comma-delimited text file (*.csv or *.txt). Importing data back into a diagram from a text file is not supported.
Export VSM Table to Excel
This command uses the selected template to fill predefined named ranges in an Excel spreadsheet with data from iGrafx. In the VSM Export to Table dialog box, you can choose a template to export a Kaizen Table, VSM Data Table, or Work Balancing Worksheet. These templates (*.xlt files) are located in the language folder in the iGrafx Template directory, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\iGrafx\Pro\16.0\Template\1033\LeanExport directory. You may create a custom Excel template as described below.
Kaizen Table exports text on any Kaizen shapes in a diagram to an Excel spreadsheet for planning purposes. All non-Kaizen shapes contained in the diagram shape libraries and product shape gallery are disregarded. You cannot re-import data with these shapes.
The ID data of the shapes is hidden in a first column in the spreadsheet. Use the columns named Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 and Notes column to enter notes.
VSM Data Table exports data on any steps in a diagram to an Excel spreadsheet. Some data can be imported back to iGrafx. Before you import data back into iGrafx, you must save your created file to an Excel Worksheet file on your hard drive.
In the table of exported data, each row represents a Lean activity, and each column represents a Lean attribute or Custom Data value on the activities. Each column has a set unit to measure by. For instance, the TCT (Total Cycle Time) is measured in Seconds and is noted in parentheses next to the name of the Data. Units are derived from the default format in the Setup Custom Data dialog box.
In the output, the gray cells mean that the value cannot be re-imported back to iGrafx. Read-only calculated fields are read-only in the Excel work sheet.
Lean Export outputs these Custom Data types:
ProcessingTime (TCT) | entered, Time |
DefectPercent | entered, percentage |
Operators | entered, number |
NVATime, | entered, Time |
Shifts | calculable / overridable, number |
ChangeoverTime | entered, Time |
Uptime | entered, percent |
AvailableTime | calculable / overridable, Time |
Pieces | entered, number |
InventoryTime | entered, Time |
ProductionTime | calculable / overridable, Time |
TaktTime | calculable / overridable, Time |
Capacity | calculable / overridable, number |
DistanceTraveled | entered, distance |
AvailabilityPercent | entered, percentage |
UserSpecified | entered, varies |
If a field is a Lean calculated type as noted in the above table, it exports a function—not the actual value—to the Excel table. If not enough data exists in the spreadsheet to make the function valid, output is 0. Calculated fields are read-only and locked in Excel. If you chose to override a calculated field in iGrafx, when that field is exported, the value—not the function—is exported and the cell is read-write.
Work Balancing Worksheet exports specific data that helps you achieve better Takt time by altering data in the Excel spreadsheet. The Work Balancing Worksheet uses predefined Lean Data Types in its cells that cannot be import data back into iGrafx.
Import Lean Data
After you save exported data to a *.xls file, you can alter it and import it back into iGrafx.
On the Lean menu, choose Import VSM Table from Excel and select the Excel Worksheet that contains the data you want to import. When you click OK, the diagram updates with new values that you changed in Excel. Any read-only or calculated fields, data that was blank on export, ID, Description, VA time, and Type are not imported back into iGrafx.
If you override calculated Lean Custom Data value in iGrafx and export it from the diagram, you can import it back into iGrafx from Excel. Some other types of exported Lean data, such as names, Lean types, and ID, cannot be changed and imported.
Custom Template Setup for Import and Export
iGrafx uses default named ranges in its default templates to place exported Lean data in the Excel spreadsheet. On import, iGrafx uses these same named ranges to find data.
The Excel spreadsheet containing en exported Lean table must have a named range called igx_Col_IDData to import data from Excel back to iGrafx. If required named ranges don't exist on import, this message appears: "This Excel file does not contain ID data necessary for import."
The easiest way to create a named range is to select the cell where you want it placed and type in the name of your range in the Name Box in the upper left above the rows and columns in Excel. When you press the Enter key, the name is created and assigned to that cell. iGrafx fills data down from the cell in order of the IDs in the igx_Col_IDData named range. When you import data to iGrafx from Excel, iGrafx looks at the ID data on the Excel spreadsheet and reads other named ranges in that order.
You can use a set of default ranges to create your own templates. Some of these default ranges are in the default templates. Most values here are read-only because only entered Custom Data values that are exported in the igx_Range_LeanCustomData can be read-write.
Named Range in Excel | Lean Data Type | Import/Export Ability | Notes: |
igx_bool_DontExportHeadings | N/A | N/A | Don’t write column headings |
igx_bool_ExportCalcFunctions | N/A | Calculated fields are Read Only | Export only Excel functions for iGrafx calculated fields |
igx_bool_OnlylActivites | N/A | N/A | Export Lean activities only |
igx_Cell_InitialInventory | Initial inventory cell | Read Only | Setting for entire diagram |
igx_Cell_NetAvailTime | Net available time cell | Read Only | Setting for entire diagram |
igx_Cell_Pieces | Pieces cell | Read Only | Setting for entire diagram |
igx_Cell_PiecesPerDay | Pieces per day cell | Read Only | Setting for entire diagram |
igx_Cell_TaktTime | Takt time cell | Read Only | Setting for entire diagram |
igx_Cell_Units | Units cell | Read Only | Setting for entire diagram |
igx_Col_AvailPercData | Availability percent | Read Only | Percentage |
igx_Col_AvailTimeData | Available time | Read Only Function | Time |
igx_Col_CapacityData | Capacticity | Read Only Function | Number |
igx_Col_COData | Change over time | Read Only | Time |
igx_Col_DefectData | Defects | Read Only | Percentage |
igx_Col_DistData | Distance traveled | Read Only | Distance |
igx_Col_IDData | Activity ID | Read Only | Number (Required for import) |
igx_Col_InvAmountData | Inventory amount | Read Only | Total inventory at step |
igx_Col_InvTimeData | Inventory time | Read Only | Time |
igx_Col_LCData_[CDNAME] | Any Lean Custom Data type | Read Only | Units depends on Lean data type used |
igx_Col_NameData | Activity name | Read Only | Text on shape |
igx_Col_NVAData | Non value added time | Read Only | Time |
igx_Col_OperData | Operators | Read Only | Number |
igx_Col_ProcTimeData | Processing time | Read Only | Time |
igx_Col_ProdData | Production time | Read Only Function | Time |
igx_Col_ShiftsData | Number of shifts | Read Only Function | Number |
igx_Col_TaktTimeData | Takt time | Read Only Function | Time |
igx_Col_TypeData | Activity type | Read Only | Lean Type |
igx_Col_UptimeData | Uptime | Read Only | Percentage |
igx_Col_VAData | Value added time | Read Only | Time |
igx_Col_WIPInvData | WIP inventory | Read Only | Number |
igx_Range_KaizenData | Kaizen Burst Text | Read Only | Text on Kaizen shapes |
igx_Range_LeanCustomData | N/A | Depends on lean type | Exports all Custom Data |
igx_WBHeadingsOffset | N/A | N/A | Offsets the headings 3 cells up |
Igx_Col_DefDelPerData | Defective Deliveries | Read Only | Percentage |
Igx_Col_TransTimeData | Transport Time | Read Only | Time |
If data is read-only, it can be exported, but changes are not reflected on import. Calculated values can be imported in and changed if the calculated value is set to override in iGrafx.
If the data range called igx_LeanCustomData is in an Excel template that is used in export, all Custom Data on each Lean shape is exported to a table starting where the range was created. The name of the Custom Data appears above each column and named ranges are created at export so that all values can be imported back into iGrafx.
Export to Your Own Predefined Lean Custom Data
To define your own templates, use any of the above named ranges and make sure to include the igx_Col_IDData named range. You can then import and export any data in the above table.
If you create new Lean Custom Data that is not defined, do one of the following:
- Use the igx_LeanCustomData to output everything, including your own custom data values.
- Create named ranges that correspond to your user-defined custom data values.
User defined custom data named ranges
Named ranges in Excel must be alphanumeric, cannot contain spaces, and may have underscores.
To use your own custom data named range for export and import, the range must start with “igx_LCData_”, then have the name of your custom data field. In addition, you should end the range name with a lean type identifier, such as “_pcsLDT” for Pieces of inventory; see the list below for Lean types.
For example, define a Lean Custom Data value called Left that uses the Lean data type Inventory Amount, and then create a named range in your template called igx_LCData_left_pcsLDT to export just that value. Exported values can be imported back into iGrafx using that named range.
Be sure to observe naming conventions for named ranges. If you create a new Lean Custom Data Value called Left Shoes, you need to create a named range in Excel called igx_LCData_Left_Shoes that substitutes the underscore for the space.
Excel functions need the end Lean type identifier to identify what Lean type the data uses. If it is omitted, you can still import and export the value, but that range will not be used in the calculation of any functions. Each Lean type has an end identifier:
ProductionTime | _pdtLDT; |
ProcessingTime | _pctLDT; |
DefectPercent | _defLDT |
Operators | _oprLDT |
NVATime | _nvaLDT |
Shifts | _shfLDT |
ChangeoverTime | _cotLDT |
Uptime | _uptLDT |
AvailableTime | _avtLDT |
Pieces | _pcsLDT |
InventoryTime | _ivtLDT |
TaktTime | _tktLDT |
Capacity | _capLDT |
DistanceTraveled | _dstLDT |
AvailabilityPercent | _avpLDT |