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Bulk Relationship Changes

Object relationship changes can be performed in bulk from the Bulk Object Changes panel. There are currently three types of change operations available: Add, Remove, and Remove & Add.

Bulk changes to “three-legged” relationships are currently not supported

Add Relationships

  1. Select the type of relationships you would like to add

  2. Select the objects to which you will connect the selected objects

  3. Click confirm


The above operation will create the following relationships (if valid):

Employee #1 Accountable for Demo Diagram #1, Demo Diagram #2 and Demo Diagram #3
Employee #2 Accountable for Demo Diagram #1, Demo Diagram #2 and Demo Diagram #3

Remove Relationships

  1. Select the type of relationships you would like to remove

  2. Select the objects to which you will connect the selected objects

  3. Click confirm


The above operation will remove the following relationships (if present):

Employee #1 Accountable for Demo Diagram #1, Demo Diagram #2 and Demo Diagram #3
Employee #2 Accountable for Demo Diagram #1, Demo Diagram #2 and Demo Diagram #3

Remove & Add Relationships

  1. Select the relationship type

  2. Select the objects for the relationships you wish to remove

  3. Select the objects for the relationships you wish to add

  4. Click Confirm


The above operation will remove the following relationships (if present):
Employee #1 Accountable for Demo Diagram #1, Demo Diagram #2 and Demo Diagram #3
and add the following (if valid):
Employee #2 Accountable for Demo Diagram #1, Demo Diagram #2 and Demo Diagram #3

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