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Setting up Single Sign On


For security and ease of access, many customers choose to use a Single Sign On solution (SSO) in combination with the iGrafx Process360 Live platform. These pages explain how this can be beneficial for your organization and how to get started.

What is Single Sign On

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication process that allows users to access multiple applications or services with a single set of login credentials. By centralizing the login process, SSO improves security by reducing the number of passwords users need to manage and the ability to control user access at a single point. It also enhances user convenience by eliminating the need to log in multiple times across different platforms.

Implementing SSO with the iGrafx Process360 Live platform can thus ensure both ease of access and robust security for your organization's process management activities.


Before deciding how to implement SSO with iGrafx Process360 Live, you will have to confirm that your organization has a SAML 2.0 compatible Identity Provider. Some common compatible vendor products are:

  • Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Microsoft Azure AD)

  • Okta

  • Ping Identity

  • Auth0

  • Microsoft ADFS Server

Next steps

Once you have confirmed you have a compatible Identity Provider available to you, you can start setting up your SSO. Depending on if your are using our new iGrafx Identity Solution or the classic iGrafx Login, your steps will be different.

You can determine if you are using the new iGrafx Identity Solution by typing in the URL of your iGrafx Process360 Live platform in an anonymous browser window. If you are forwarded to a new URL of either or you are using the new authentication flow. Please reach out to our Customer Support team at to get started on your SSO journey.

If you are not forwarded to a different URL and your login window appears and the browser link is, then you are using the classic login experience and can follow the steps here: Legacy SAML Setup Guide .

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