Sample Diagrams
Diagrams with Explanation Documents
Consumer Real Estate Mortgage
The instructions document describes how to use Process 360 Live Design Simulation for improving the Consumer Real Estate (CRE) Mortgage process, by eliminating resource bottlenecks. You may also optionally use the ‘Fit Data’ functionality to refine the duration times for a specific step of the process. Files to download:
Provide CRE Mortgage : An IGXW ‘web diagram’ file containing simulation data, that you may import to your Design platform (either to create a separate simulation project, or directly into an existing project)
Provide_CRE_Mortgage_ValidateDataTimes : Excel file with data for how long the ‘Validate Data’ step took in a ‘random sample’ of cases.
Provide_CRE_Mortgage_Instructions : PDF file with instructions on how to interact with the model to accomplish process improvement.
Provide CRE Mortgage.igxw Provide_CRE_Mortgage_ValidateDataTimes.xlsx Provide_CRE_Mortgage_Instructions.pdf
Onboard Customer to Financial Institution
The instructions document describes how to use Process 360 Live Design Simulation for improving the ‘Onboard Customer to Financial Institution’ process, by eliminating automating a step to improve quality and reduce time. You may also optionally review the ‘External Data’ generator functionality to see how this data supplies when we receive cases, and other information that could be used to analyze the process. Files to download:
Onboard Customer to Financial Institution Instructions : PDF file with instructions on how to interact with the model to accomplish process improvement.
OnboardCustomer_CaseGeneratorData_forSim : Excel file with ‘External Data’ Generator data, that specifies when cases arrive into the process, and other information that could be used for simulation analysis. Please note that this data is already loaded into the iGrafx Web Diagram file; it is supplied FYI.
Onboard Customer to Financial Institution : An IGXW ‘web diagram’ file containing simulation data, that you may import to your Design platform (either to create a separate simulation project, or directly into an existing project)
Onboard Customer to Financial Institution Instructions.docx OnboardCustomer_CaseGeneratorData_forSim.xlsx Onboard Customer to Financial Institution.igxw
Diagrams without Explanation Documents
To get started, here are some sample diagrams that you can import into a simulation project. Just add a new diagram under the simulation project, choose “Import”, and choose the file.
Amusement Park.igxw Customer Journey.igxw Loan Approval.igxw