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Register a repository via the REST API


  • An iGrafx Platform with the active license module API 
  • A user with Server Role permissions to Access the REST API and Repository role permissions to Create and Manage Repositories (see Roles and Permissions)

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Open the REST API documentation in your Platform
  2. Navigate to Administration -> Repository Management -> Register Repository
  3. Use the REST API endpoint: /api/repositories/register 
  4. Enter the users credentials for authentication
  5. Enter the repository name, shortname, and description in the respective fields.
  6. Adjust the respective fields (see below if you are not sure) and send the following request body:

  "databasePassword": "YOUR_DB_PASSWORD",
  "databaseUsername": "YOUR_DB_USER",
  "hostname": "YOUR_DB_HOSTNAME",
  "port": 1433,
  "databaseType": "MSSQL",
  "tablePrefix": ""

If you plan to register a repository that is currently registered elsewhere, you can find the required database information in your platform under Administration → Repositories , then click your repository's name and open the Database  tab:

Alternatively, if you do not have the connection information, your IT team can provide you with the necessary data.

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