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Mathematical Operations

The simulator comes with the following built in operations:


Negates x, e.g. 5 becomes -5

x ^ y

Becomes x raised to y

x * y

Becomes x times y

x / y

Becomes x divided by y

x % y

Becomes the remainder after x divided by y

x + y

Becomes x plus y

x - y

Becomes x minus y

x <= y

True if x is less than or equal to y, otherwise false

x < y

True if x is less than y, otherwise false

x >= y

True if x is greater than or equal to y, otherwise false

x > y

True if x is greater than y, otherwise false

x != y

True if x is not equal to y, otherwise false

x = y, x == y

True if x is equal to y, otherwise false


Makes false become true and true become false

x and y

True if both x and y are true, otherwise false

x or y

False if both x and y are false, otherwise true

if x then y else z

Becomes y if x is true, otherwise z

x ? y : z

Becomes y if x is true, otherwise z

Operations are evaluated in the order of the table. If you want to override this order, use parentheses to explicitly define how the expression is evaluated.

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