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Desktop Client: Use Show only Approved Items menu command with care

The Show only Approved Items command in the Repositories menu allows limiting the view of the repository to only those items that are approved.

You can tell if you are in this mode by the Repository Tree having a slightly darker background color than usual:

Certain activities are not available or behave differently in this mode:

  1. Checking out an IGX document or diagram is not possible, because the checked out version would not be approved.
  2. When viewing your voting To-Do List (e.g. Repositories > Cycles > Approval To-Do List), objects that are not already approved will not be visible.
  3. Expanding folders may make it look like no content is visible, but unapproved content may result in certain actions being available (i.e. clicking the + to expand next to a folder and the + goes away, because there are no Approved items in that folder). 

There may be other symptoms than those listed above. In general, if you are trying to access data that is not yet approved and are having problems, check to ensure that you are not in Show only Approved Items mode.

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