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Bulk Visio Import

The iGrafx Design Platform supports bulk import/conversion of .vsd and .vsdx files in addition to importing single Visio diagrams. However bulk importing does involve a different series of steps:

  1. As with importing a single Visio diagram, bulk importing requires the Visio feature flag to be enabled for it to work.
  2. The Visio files you wish to import must then be added to your repository as External Files.
    Note: If you have access to the iGrafx Desktop Client, you can bulk upload folders. See these articles to learn more:
  3. After the files have been added, navigate to the Contains section of the folder object containing the Visio files you wish to import.
  4. If you select one or more Visio external files or any folder object, you will notice that the Import Visio button appears in the lower right corner. Selecting a folder will import all Visio files directly inside that folder.
  5. When you have selected everything you want to import, click the Import Visio button. This will bring up a dialog that provides some configuration options. Most of these are standard object creation fields, but you will notice the "Include Visio files in sub-folders" checkbox. If you have any folders selected, this will attempt to import Visio files in any of their sub-folders as well. After you have configured your options, click the Finish button. 
  6. At this point the import job will be initiated, and you should see a notification in the lower right corner of your screen indicating this. The importing will occur in the background. So you are free to continue using the platform while it runs.
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