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18.2.3 Cloud Release Highlights


The diagram properties sidebar now includes an expand arrow at the bottom, which reveals button labels. The sidebar is collapsed by default. Whether you click to expand or collapse the panel labels, your preferences will be saved for your convenience when accessing other diagrams. This change is available for all checked out and checked in diagrams, and regardless of cycle status.

API Reporting

We now provide quick access to the total number of results and number of results in the current dataset, so I can implement paging and other count-based reporting. Both the /api/reporting/list REST API endpoint and the /IceQ/query in-platform endpoints contain two new JSON properties:

  • totalCount (the total number of results, prior to culling the result to its sublist - see subResult method in

  • count (the number of results included in this API call - if a sublist is used, then the number of items in the sublist, otherwise equivalent to totalCount)

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