DEV-28457 DEV-28458 | Comments - Improve UX - Move Edit, Reply, Delete to new '...' menu | |
DEV-28798 | Comments - Improve UX - Save on navigation to another comment, Close button, remove X button | |
DEV-28480 | Comments - Allow users to attach comments to shapes | |
DEV-26400 | External File Preview - Allow user to OPEN OBJECT if not already on the object | |
DEV-22627 | Cycles - When a cycle is running on an external file, show 'Action Required' in preview | |
DEV-25582 | Cycles - Improve UX - Show Deleted Cycle Members and improve handling | |
DEV-27201 DEV-27202 DEV-27203 | Web Diagram - Proposed Objects - New warning for missing proposed object name in Describes Panel and Describes List | |
DEV-16065 | Dashboards - New Gadgets
| |
DEV-26871 | Improve UX for New Diagram and Add Object in the Contains area | |
DEV-27983 | Multilingual - Add country flag for Lithuania | |
DEV-28600 | Comments - Add Reporting for open comment counts for Web Diagrams and IGX Diagrams | |
DEV-24101 | Web Diagram - Enhanced the Left properties panel to be full height | |
DEV-26011 | Web Diagram - Keep the Left properties panel open when using the Version bar/Changes toggle | |
DEV-19928 | REST API - Allow download of Diagram IGXW data |
DEV-28433 | Database index optimization | |
DEV-27597 | Describes hint performance | |
DEV-28426 | SQL query optimization |
Resolved issues
DEV-26681 DEV-29868 | Predeployed Tomcat updated to 9.0.50 | |
DEV-25079 | Security enhancements | |
DEV-29283 | IGX Import - Add Object > Import > From IGX Diagram - Version option not displayed | |
DEV-29946 | Graphic Editor - Path primitives information can get duplicated on save | |
DEV-30110 | JavaScript error can occur on font color selection for Proposed Summary/Purpose/Instructions | |
DEV-29631 | Reporting - JavaScript error can occur while modifying a reports settings | |
DEV-29632 | Localization - Improve translations for Proposed object warning | |
DEV-29961 | Web Diagram - JavaScript error can occur if you click the ACCEPT or ACCEPT ALL button repeatedly | |
DEV-29973 | Custom Properties - Data may not appear for properties with Resource based restrictions | |
DEV-28903 | URL links to a second repository may result in an 'Item Not Found' error | |
DEV-20896 | Shape Library - Duplicate image upload | |
DEV-22545 | REST API - Delete Object incorrectly returns a response when no object ID passed | |
DEV-22887 | Hidden objects can appear as "none specified" in Item Properties | |
DEV-23534 | Narrative - Heading titles can wrap incorrectly if they contain very long words | |
DEV-24824 | Mail Log - Umlauts not displayed correctly | |
DEV-24832 | Cycles - Acknowledgement graphic and report can mismatch for "blocked" and "pending" | |
DEV-25071 | Dashboard - Embedded video can be displayed twice in Preview after Select all | |
DEV-25185 | Reporting - Sorting for list reports can stop working if Dashboard contains an unsorted list report | |
DEV-25238 | Cycles - Next scheduled date and status info can display incorrectly for scheduled cycles | |
DEV-25667 | JavaScript error if you open two Custom Color dialogs and cancel out of one | |
DEV-25783 | Custom Properties not appearing correctly for all root folder types | |
DEV-25979 | Describes Preview should show No Relationships message when no relationships exist | |
DEV-26097 | Reporting - Cloned Repositories name can appear incorrectly | |
DEV-26158 | Model Tree - After collapsing a folder 'Refine' remains | |
DEV-26236 | Icons misaligned in Search autocomplete | |
DEV-26377 | Header/Footer - Text/Rich Text Custom properties can appear as slightly different sizes | |
DEV-26579 | Adding a measured by relationship during object creation does not generate a history entry | |
DEV-26670 | Reviewers/Approvers/Endorses may not be sent Cancel emails when grouped | |
DEV-26675 | Watch - Add Comment Email not always sent with Required group's users | |
DEV-26735 | Custom Properties - 'Folder' works different for Available On and Restrict Objects by Type | |
DEV-26736 | Custom Properties - Relationships Added to Available On 'Folder' disappear after refresh (but exist) | |
DEV-26740 | Custom Properties only available on pre-17.6 folders | |
DEV-26778 | Rich Text Images can get incorrectly cleaned up | |
DEV-26788 | Reporting - Download data may disable after applying sorting | |
DEV-26838 | Add Object - Missing spacing between Template and Name boxes under Firefox | |
DEV-26936 | Full names of some object types not displayed under Firefox | |
DEV-27105 | Misleading message or bug in drag-drop of IGXW files into a folder | |
DEV-27190 | Add Object Dialog can be opened multiple times | |
DEV-27254 | Narrative - Shapes incorrectly cropped in Narrative Diagram View | |
DEV-27355 | IGX Import - Line styling is lost for 2 dimensional lines | |
DEV-28019 | IGX Import - Extra output cases are added if case labels are blank | |
DEV-27484 | Searching for the email address of a deleted user throws JavaScript error in User Assignments Page | |
DEV-27486 | Web Diagram - Missing some shapes in Print to PDF output with specific geometries | |
DEV-27550 | Graphic Editor - Under IE browser- the Move Forward/Move Backward short cut keys are misaligned | |
DEV-27618 | Relationships - JavaScript error can occur on the undo of removing a RACI relationship | |
DEV-27723 | Rich Text Overlay - User has to click the arrow twice to go back to narrative | |
DEV-27809 | Undoing relationship deletion should be logged in history | |
DEV-27914 | Search hints for 'Enabled' and 'Disabled' state are not localized | |
DEV-27968 | Custom Properties - Removing a selection list value of an existing custom property causes an error | |
DEV-28412 | Shape Library Import from Web Diagram may discard protected colors | |
DEV-28432 | Cycles - Object names may appear incorrectly in approval/endorsement notification emails | |
DEV-28589 | Flag Display issue | |
DEV-28598 | IGX Diagram import fails when the administrative owner of the IGX diagram has been deleted | |
DEV-28649 | REST API - Cannot use certain dedicated folder types in request body to create folders | |
DEV-28680 | Copying of diagrams and repository objects fails when administrative owner user has been deleted | |
DEV-28977 | Comments - Dragging comment before initial save creates a new comment | |
DEV-29424 | SAML - Permission Denied Page after re-authentication via SAML due to session timeout | |
DEV-29474 | Shape Library Import from Web Diagram can fail | |
DEV-29707 | Previewing certain XLSX files can results in an Other Error | |
DEV-28934 | Comments - User name can appear blank during comment creation | |
DEV-28428 | Custom Properties - Hidden properties can appear in the Add Incoming Relation dialog | |
DEV-28195 | Described By Tab - Incorrect warning "Do not have permission" can appear after deleting diagram | |
DEV-28206 | Cycle Guidance can only appear for the 1st person to vote in nomination email | |
DEV-28368 | Web Diagramming - Link to subprocess not working correctly | |
DEV-28474 | JavaScript error 'toggleInheritDocVersionOption' can occur when selecting a diagram type | |
DEV-28726 | Comments - Delete appears incorrectly, results in an unfriendly error message | |
DEV-29272 | Multilingual - Exported language XML cannot always be reimported | |
DEV-29573 | Cycle Group changes incorrectly pause Acknowledgement cycle with Named Cycle Group containing a sub group | |
DEV-29730 | Improve error handling for 500 and 401 errors |