DEV-6921 | QuickMap - Table based diagram creation with Gateway support | |
DEV-25164 | Cloud Feature Enablement | |
DEV-23731 DEV-23732 | Info Center Enablement | |
DEV-25154 | Improved Login page when SSO is enabled | |
DEV-19109 | Improved behavior for session auto log out | |
DEV-25368 | Narrative - Narrative panel improvements | |
DEV-22885 | Narrative - Narrative Panel and SOP support for IGX diagrams | |
DEV-19429 | Narrative - Export to PDF | |
DEV-15448 | Narrative - Describes Section support for Pools | |
DEV-23533 | Narrative - Automatically save Rich Text Section changes on navigate away | |
DEV-24618 | Narrative - Default Shape List section to Detailed List | |
DEV-22195 | Delete - Show file type icons in Delete dialog | |
DEV-22194 DEV-22228 | Relationships/Describes Preview - Show file type icons for Documented By URL relationships | |
DEV-22243 | Instructions - API support | |
DEV-22244 | Instructions - Multilingual Bulk Import/Export support | |
DEV-13348 | Add Object - Allow user to add multiple external files at once | |
DEV-13346 | Add Object - Allow multi-object drag and drop from the desktop to the contains area | |
DEV-23981 DEV-23982 | Add Object - Add drop target box to 'Import from file' | |
DEV-15486 | IGX Import - Copy Repository based Diagram Element Custom Data to Web Diagram Custom Data | |
DEV-22424 | Details page - Separate out Summary / Purpose / Instructions section | |
DEV-18536 | Describes Preview - Display Described objects Summary / Purpose / Instructions, Relationships and Custom Properties as they were at check-in time | |
DEV-21182 | Cycles - Add Policies option for Required Comments for Canceled, Paused and Resumed Cycles | |
DEV-22531 | Cycles - Separate out Review / Approve / Endorse comment policy and improve terminology | |
DEV-24373 | Cycles - Ability to sort/paginate by something other than name | |
DEV-24100 | Improve Recent History Breadcrumb - remember more items | |
DEV-24432 | Improve Recent History Breadcrumb - Drag drop from popup to create relationships | |
DEV-24435 | Improve Breadcrumb - Don't compress so much, use drop down | |
DEV-20039 | Automation - Automatic save automation parameters | |
DEV-20040 DEV-24868 | Automation - Migrate 'Mandatory fields' to new parameter mandatoryFields | |
DEV-24230 | Automation - Rename 'Deployer' Automation Property to 'Workflow Designer' | |
DEV-13675 | Reporting - Add Checked Out Date to Filter/Properties | |
DEV-22845 | Reporting - Make URL links clickable in reports | |
DEV-23283 | Custom Properties - New Rich Text Custom Property | |
DEV-23086 | Dashboard - New OEmbed Video Gadget | |
DEV-25175 | Version Behavior - Don't show the Changes toggle to view unapproved users unless something changed in the described objects | |
DEV-23819 | Version Behavior - Show Effective End Date for current approved version in info popup | |
DEV-23820 | Version Behavior - Show Check out info in info popup | |
DEV-23821 | Version Behavior - Show Approval Date for approved version in info popup | |
DEV-22941 DEV-22943 | Templates - Allow an Administrator to configure a Web diagram template folder and expose approved templates in the Add Object - Web Diagram options | |
DEV-23284 | Propose Objects - Keep the proposed location if it's still valid after proposed object type change | |
DEV-23449 | Web Diagram - Show Diagram Custom Properties in Custom Properties page when nothing selected | |
DEV-24068 | Web Diagram - Show populated Custom Properties in the Describes Preview | |
DEV-24699 DEV-22097 | Administration - Enhanced Scheduling logging |
DEV-22463 | Full text search | |
DEV-24026 | Reporting against Approved property | |
DEV-24140 | Narrative | |
DEV-23947 | Web Diagram loading of Comments | |
DEV-21252 | Partial matches in Effective Permissions | |
DEV-18719 | Don't show full screen Please wait when Deleting objects | |
DEV-18786 | Don't show full screen Please wait when Copying objects | |
DEV-18787 | Don't show full screen Please wait when Moving objects |
Resolved issues
DEV-19169 | Object picker search repeated causes please wait | |
DEV-20709 | Japanese UI can cause layout issues in the Contains area | |
DEV-20774 | Shape Library - Thumbnails off center vertically for Call Activity | |
DEV-20902 | Cycles - Remind Users of Pending Action checkbox vertical alignment could be improved | |
DEV-21287 | Cycles - Duplicate Everybody group cannot be edited or deleted | |
DEV-21507 | Cycles - Autocomplete in Edge browser can produce an artifact when saving scheduled cycle | |
DEV-22196 | Dashboard - Custom Object List layout issue | |
DEV-22197 | Cycles - Missing Cycle Group Name in Add user dialog when creating a new cycle group | |
DEV-22367 | Cycles - Schedule for automatic cycle reminders can be delayed after Platform restart | |
DEV-22464 | Administration - Upload Button alignment incorrect in Appearance page | |
DEV-22473 | Adding a link to a selection that contains an image can remove the image | |
DEV-22500 | Subtype of Checked out report affects Dashboard Gadgets when it shouldn't | |
DEV-22537 | Dashboard - Custom Object list gadget incorrectly remembers last selection | |
DEV-22633 | Rich Text - Scroll jumps to the top on toolbar click | |
DEV-22641 | Cycles - Red "Not In-Progress" title for failed approval cycles | |
DEV-22712 | Multilingual - Import doesn't export/import strikethrough to/from Excel | |
DEV-22818 | Shape Library - Switching between modes incorrectly allows changes to BPMN Shapes | |
DEV-22831 | Shape Library - Import from existing library cuts off name of the library in Add object panel | |
DEV-22881 | Web Diagram - Clicking Fit to Content on an empty Subprocess results in Zoom set 1000% | |
DEV-22953 | Shape Library - Primary color can appear incorrectly for Built-in Shapes in Shape Legend | |
DEV-23110 | Apache Error can appear in the Platform log | |
DEV-23117 | Narrative - Undo not working correctly after a report type change | |
DEV-23153 | Narrative - Missing tooltip for a deleted SOP Narrative under IE11 | |
DEV-23412 | Edit and delete button in Risk Categories Tab appear incorrectly | |
DEV-23429 | Duplicate groups can appear when user has Deny all permission | |
DEV-23464 | Narrative - Document information and Shape List Table headers are centered in IE11 | |
DEV-23560 | Web Diagram - Checking out diagram does not remain view of the active sub process | |
DEV-23701 | Narrative - Layout problems with Shape List-Table View in SOP Overlay | |
DEV-23765 | Web Diagram - Extra click necessary when editing shape text / labels | |
DEV-23806 | Narrative - Performance Indicator Name and Value is missing in Word export | |
DEV-23831 | Custom Property object search not working correctly | |
DEV-23905 | Narrative - Pools, Lanes, image-shapes, artifacts are not available | |
DEV-23969 | Narrative - Transparent shim for error message | |
DEV-23975 | Style changes are not applied to selection in Rich Text Editing in IE11, Edge Classic | |
DEV-24029 | User is denied access to repository after being autocreated through SAML SSO mechanism | |
DEV-24037 | Tooltip in Control Rating Edit Value doesn't match input number | |
DEV-24062 | Cannot add childgroup/users to group or delete groups using Application Token | |
DEV-24087 | BPMN.xml incorrect for automation deploy - VariableDecisionHandler does not work anymore | |
DEV-24110 | Converting usernodes to scriptnodes, the target duration still remains in bpmn export | |
DEV-24124 | Notification count over 99+ exceeds icon | |
DEV-24126 | Automation - Too much embedded content prevents download of automation ZIP file | |
DEV-24177 | Database Access Error can occur setting Effective date | |
DEV-24245 | Gateway in Language Grid cause JS error 'offSetLeft' | |
DEV-24255 | IGX Import - Image in Header is turned into "Shape tag" in Header | |
DEV-24256 | IGX Import - Last Modified Date in Footer is turned into hard coded modified date | |
DEV-24259 | To-do List Gadget - Unnecessary scrollbar when Acknowledgement cycle showing | |
DEV-24264 | IGX Import - JS error 'type' undefined when viewing webdiagram with lane | |
DEV-24271 | To-do List page - Fixed width doesn't adjust for Admin Check boxes | |
DEV-24272 | To-do List page/Cycle List page - Missing sticky horizontal scrollbar | |
DEV-24273 | Search scope incorrect | |
DEV-24328 | Diagram - Find text field is covered by tools | |
DEV-24331 | User already exists error when creating/renaming a user with a name that was once in use | |
DEV-24332 | Shape Library - Viewer user sees checkboxes they cannot click | |
DEV-24333 | Cycles Page is not available to user who has only scheduled cycles | |
DEV-24335 | Ctrl Click doesn't open a new tab following an object link on the Cycles and My To Do Page | |
DEV-24336 | Pausing acknowledgement cycle with different user removes it from My Cycles Page but not from Notifications | |
DEV-24338 | Shape library error when entering decimals for the default size | |
DEV-24360 | "Edit Text" Header for Read Only Mode when clicking cell in language grid | |
DEV-24363 | Insert Image Icon in Add Object Dialog is grey during Object creation | |
DEV-24367 | Shape with lots of text can throw a Java Script error on scroll and lose toolbar | |
DEV-24401 | Dashboard Rich text editor changes Image/Video URLs unexpectedly and incorrectly | |
DEV-24450 | Header/footer shows approval date/approved for pending view of web diagram | |
DEV-24492 | LDAP import with duplicate group entries causes downstream issues with synchronization | |
DEV-24550 | Vote Buttons can be clicked multiple times leading to backend errors | |
DEV-24559 | Switching to Checked In view when in approval vote mode does not remove frozen-highlights | |
DEV-24560 | Tooltip and grey box indicate changes since last check in when no changes are made | |
DEV-24568 | See Unapproved permission not taking Viewer license into account | |
DEV-24576 | Approval/Review cycle for some documents can not be edited/approved - can trigger a SQL Error | |
DEV-24582 | Disbanding shortcuts after editing target object results in other error for View Approved Only users | |
DEV-24616 | SDK should report back HTTP error if one exists | |
DEV-24648 | Users deleted from remote directory are shown as disabled but not listed under disabled users | |
DEV-24948 | Delete a Named Cycle group from a running Cycle results in Item Not Found error | |
DEV-25129 | IGX Import - IGX diagram with corrupt paragraphs cause an Import Error | |
DEV-25144 | Shortcut main page throwing errors for Viewer only when date custom property is present | |
DEV-25155 | SAML authentication doesn't forward to start page if Authorization header is present | |
DEV-25205 | Every time you open the languages grid, a new languages grid is added to the DOM | |
DEV-25240 | SAP Synchronization can throw an error in the middle of the sync | |
DEV-25436 | Named Cycle Group cannot be saved under certain circumstances | |
DEV-25470 | Copy and pasting text into Shapes leads to variable text sizes that cannot be consolidated | |
DEV-25697 | Error can occur when starting cycles due to DEV-25707 | |
DEV-25951 | New Group LDAP Import and Settings Keep Reverting Back to Previous Settings | |
DEV-20010 | Permission Denied error incorrectly given when following link to Manage Cycles Page in Edge/IE11 | |
DEV-24279 | Cycles page option is hidden and can yield incorrect count after upgrade | |
DEV-24301 | Cancel in-progress cycle not working after upgrade | |
DEV-24395 | Rich Text Gadget Editor not working correctly under IE11 | |
DEV-24471 | Described Object Icon is not centered in SOP Panel View and Web Standalone Narrative | |
DEV-24485 | Wrong content type when downloading log files | |
DEV-24504 | Group By Modify Date is showing the incorrect date | |
DEV-24529 | Narrative - Version/Version ID in Header/Footer doesn't work correctly for viewing historic versions | |
DEV-24548 | Copying object with children yields incorrect database values for ShortcutIcon column | |
DEV-24562 | Changes in Instructions are missing in Compare Mode | |
DEV-24579 | Changed LDAP settings get overwritten by scheduled LDAP imports | |
DEV-24647 | Rich Text Gadget is not translated | |
DEV-24651 | User Search on User Management page loads incorrect page | |
DEV-24663 | Diagram in SOP, Standalone Web Narrative and Word Export is not displayed correctly | |
DEV-24701 | Cycles close automatically when using custom cycle groups with named cycle groups | |
DEV-24779 | Version number of diagrams get reset when copying folder that contains diagrams | |
DEV-24875 | Toggling Schedule cycles on/off without saving settings (aka starting cycle) makes timeline entry | |
DEV-24905 | Narrative - Header and Footer - Custom properties on diagram elements are incorrectly available | |
DEV-25069 | Internal role assignments for cycles appear in manage descendant role assignments page | |
DEV-25074 | Narrative - Copied Images in Notes Text cause Other Error Input String "" | |
DEV-25152 | View not loading parent object when deleting object after closing tree folder parent | |
DEV-25156 | Glossary term reference can get turned into text after upgrade | |
DEV-25160 | Trash can for Custom Properties Repository Relation type is misaligned | |
DEV-25186 | Deleting a user who scheduled a cycle results in cycle not started and error in server logs | |
DEV-25211 | Misleading UI when scheduling a cycle that would run in the past | |
DEV-25234 | Disabled user information is barely readable | |
DEV-25460 | Error can occur on Print to PDF, Narrative Download as Word or PDF | |
DEV-25464 | No Approval Group shown in report for scheduled cycles | |
DEV-25469 | Unexpected changes when saving Custom Cycle Group on in-progress cycle group | |
DEV-25486 | Assigning the Same RACI Relationship Produces an Item Not Found Error | |
DEV-25583 | Describes Panel can throw an error for deleted objects in historical view | |
DEV-25608 | Going back after deleting an object results in an error and tree reload failing | |
DEV-25707 | Empty Cycle Group on yearly schedule can lead to a loop of cycles starting | |
DEV-25877 | Margin to the right of vertical scrollbar in Shape Notes is incorrect | |
DEV-26038 | Multilingual - Importing diagram element translations can error if it contains deleted case labels | |
DEV-26088 | Diagram Compare can cause a JavaScript error: 'undefined' |