DEV-12036 | Notifications - Bulk start of cycles to send one email - 'Attention needed' | |
DEV-12423 | Reports - New IQL Filter/Property - 'shortcutTo' | |
DEV-12624 | Cycle Management - Allow Platform Groups in Custom/Named Cycle Groups | |
DEV-12701 | Web diagram & IGX diagram - Improve Zoom - In/Out controls | |
DEV-14391 | Shape Library - Convert Add/Edit Shape Library Item dialog to a container page | |
DEV-14490 | Cycles - Cycles List - Include Scheduled and Paused Cycles | |
DEV-14491 | Cycles - Cycles List exposing my In-Progress Cycles | |
DEV-15241 | Cycles - Add Comment to Scheduled Cycle | |
DEV-15482 | Web diagram - Support simple line crossovers for right angle lines | |
DEV-15483 | IGX Import - Preserve line crossovers | |
DEV-15664 | Web diagram - Improved connector line behavior on pool/lane/phase resize | |
DEV-16041 | Web diagram - Allow a user to select pool/lane and phase headers when shown while out of view | |
DEV-16245 | Acknowledgement - Add new Acknowledgement Cycle | |
DEV-16292 | Cycles - Send initial cycle email to users manually added to a running cycle | |
DEV-16312 | Web diagram/Narrative - Expose size controls on a Header/Footer Image tag | |
DEV-16329 | Multilingual - Round-trip BPMN export/import for Web Diagram translations | |
DEV-16453 | IGX Import - Create attachment lines for callout objects | |
DEV-17140 | REST API - Add create, disband, to/from for Shortcuts | |
DEV-17230 | Multilingual - Language picker should reflect current repository content languages | |
DEV-17319 | Narrative - Allow a diagram editor to run the Narrative on a draft version | |
DEV-17707 | REST API - Allow download of an objects changelog History | |
DEV-17792 | Client should not allow user to simultaneously connect to two repositories with the same GUID | |
DEV-18193 | Cycle Management - Allow Cycle administrator to update User Groups from in-progress RAE cycles | |
DEV-18194 | Cycle Management - Allow independent changes to an in-progress cycle | |
DEV-18234 | History should show when IGX diagrams/components are added/removed | |
DEV-18463 | Handle linked resource better when restoring a backed up repository | |
DEV-18642 | Automated Test to ensure Custom Property Values are saved and displayed | |
DEV-18765 | Shape Library - Allow user to specify initial fill style for built-in items | |
DEV-18830 | Notifications - Emails sent for a repository should reflect the chosen color theme | |
DEV-18925 | Multilingual - Unused Case labels should appear, follow owning shape, highlight as part of shape | |
DEV-18926 | Multilingual - Translation should include previous translation in Removal history | |
DEV-18998 | Multilingual - Rename dialog for IGX Documents and External files shouldn't show extension | |
DEV-19013 | Undo Checkout - improve confirmation message | |
DEV-19018 | Web Diagram - Allow user to specify different fill color for header area | |
DEV-19036 | Security enhancement | |
DEV-19278 | Reports - New IQL Filter/Property - 'shortcuts' | |
DEV-19279 | Reports - Show shortcut target icon in reports (for both primary, and secondary relationships) | |
DEV-19350 | Performance - Don't show full screen Please wait when checking in a diagram | |
DEV-19393 | Shape Library - Allow user to specify initial 'Header' fill style for built-in items with headers | |
DEV-19400 | Remove duplicate update script | |
DEV-19415 | Custom Object List - Shortcuts to chosen types should appear | |
DEV-19418 | Narrative - Configurable data elements for described objects section | |
DEV-19420 | Narrative - Configurable data elements for Shape list Section Detailed view | |
DEV-19422 | Narrative - Configurable data elements for document information section | |
DEV-19424 | Narrative - Capability to add custom properties (Diagram Element) to the shape list section | |
DEV-19425 | Narrative - Provide users the capability to add custom properties to the described objects section | |
DEV-19428 | Narrative - Export to Word | |
DEV-19433 | Shape Library - Allow user to specify Lane fill style for built-in Lane items | |
DEV-19480 | Acknowledgement - Don't complete cycle on last user | |
DEV-19481 | Acknowledgement - Resume previously paused Cycle (inc. adding paused cycles) | |
DEV-19482 | Acknowledgement - To-do sections | |
DEV-19484 | Acknowledgement - Current Approved version change cancels cycle | |
DEV-19485 | Acknowledgement - Add Check box and acknowledge button behavior for Action bar | |
DEV-19487 | Acknowledgement - Platform and Cycle Groups in acknowledgement cycle are live | |
DEV-19497 | Narrative - Described Object - As a user I want the ability to configure the order of data elements | |
DEV-19498 | Oracle - Handle initial startup / Remove ability to register / 'Drop' Repositories on upgrade to 17.7.1 | |
DEV-19499 | Narrative - Dynamic preview | |
DEV-19515 | Web Diagram - Allow user to specify default Line Style, Width, Color and Start and End arrowheads | |
DEV-19557 | Administration - Remove ability to register a migrated 2015 repository | |
DEV-19558 | Administration - Update documentation to reflect 2015 migration strategy | |
DEV-19559 | IGX Import - Preserve header fill style for supported twin text area shapes | |
DEV-19566 | Cycle Management - Show assigned Deleted users in Cycle Group Memberships Users page | |
DEV-19568 | Cycle Management - Show Group Assignments in Cycle Groups area | |
DEV-19574 | Allow a user to change the file type on Upload | |
DEV-19581 | Web Diagram - Need ability to control whether line cross overs are on or off | |
DEV-19584 | Cycles - Cycle start should appear in the History page | |
DEV-19586 | Cycles - Scheduling events/changes should appear in the History Timeline | |
DEV-19587 | Cycles - Add ghost text to comment field | |
DEV-19590 | Narrative - Drag and drop data elements | |
DEV-19592 | Narrative - Shape list - As a user I want the ability to configure the data elements | |
DEV-19599 | Acknowledgement - Reporting | |
DEV-19600 | Acknowledgement - Pick Approved version for Cycle | |
DEV-19601 | Acknowledgement - (Re-)start previously paused Cycle on different version | |
DEV-19602 | Acknowledgement - Paused Cycle - Rollover & Reset | |
DEV-19603 | Acknowledgement - Days to act for participants | |
DEV-19604 | Acknowledgement - Show due date in Action bar | |
DEV-19605 | Acknowledgement - Include due date in participation email | |
DEV-19606 | Acknowledgement - Include due date column in To-do list & gadget | |
DEV-19607 | Acknowledgement - Text Based Progress Report instead of Next action section | |
DEV-19608 | Acknowledgement - Graphic Based Progress Report instead of Next action section | |
DEV-19609 | Acknowledgement - Paginated In-Progress/Paused Cycle Participant Report | |
DEV-19610 | Acknowledgement - Filter Detailed Cycle Progress Report by State | |
DEV-19613 | Cycles - Version bar revamp | |
DEV-19614 | Cycles - Approval Cycle Icon revamp/simplification | |
DEV-19619 | Cycles - Allow Approval Cycle Manager to bump version number on Approval | |
DEV-19662 | Contains - Restore showing bold names for items checked out to current user | |
DEV-19666 | Web Diagram - Add support for Strikethrough text | |
DEV-19667 | Web Diagram - Add support for Superscript/Subscript text | |
DEV-19668 | IGX Import - Preserve Strikethrough, Superscript and Subscript text formatting | |
DEV-19675 | Remove Oracle DB support | |
DEV-19676 | Web Diagram & IGJ - Improve Zoom - 100% & Fit | |
DEV-19677 | Web Diagram & IGJ - Improve Zoom - Edit box | |
DEV-19678 | Web Diagram - Minor improvements to checked out selection handle | |
DEV-19685 | Described object data elements - Dealing with many data elements | |
DEV-19735 | Custom Properties - Remove relationship from the Incoming relationship side | |
DEV-19741 | Narrative - Word output for Describes Section (Custom Properties) | |
DEV-19750 | Cycle Management - Ability to push Cycle Group changes to in-progress RAE cycles | |
DEV-19757 | Web Diagram - Add Link dialog should remember last link type | |
DEV-19758 | Web Diagram - Default display text on initial URL paste for Shape links | |
DEV-19768 | Acknowledgement - Start email template/functionality | |
DEV-19772 | Web Diagram - Improve 'editors' Link experience | |
DEV-19778 | Web Diagrams - Render to SVG on the back-end | |
DEV-19783 | Web Diagram - Show link icon for non-EOs instead of chain for single shape link | |
DEV-19784 | Web Diagram - Show external file icons for URL links to files | |
DEV-19788 | Narrative - Capability to add custom properties (Describes) to the shape list section | |
DEV-19790 | Narrative - Improve data elements UI | |
DEV-19846 | Cycle Groups - Improve warning for replacing an existing Custom Cycle group with a copy | |
DEV-19848 | Cycles - Don't show empty sections in To-do list and Gadget | |
DEV-19851 | Security Enhancement | |
DEV-19858 | Approval Vote - Add system property to disable Vote time semi-compare | |
DEV-19866 | Narrative - Header/Footer Rendering for Word export (Rich text) | |
DEV-19872 | Narrative - Header/Footer Rendering for Word export (page count/page number) | |
DEV-19873 | Narrative - Header/Footer Rendering for Word export (current user) | |
DEV-19874 | Narrative - Header/Footer Rendering for Word export (current date/current time) | |
DEV-19875 | Narrative - Header/Footer Rendering for Word export (Diagram Info) | |
DEV-19877 | Narrative - Support exporting object type icons to word | |
DEV-19900 | Acknowledgement - Variation of the reminder email for Overdue | |
DEV-19995 | Web diagram - Add 'Insert Image' button to the Note toolbar | |
DEV-19996 | Cycles - Version combo box overhaul | |
DEV-19999 | Narrative - Ability to pick from the full list of Relationships for places where we expose them | |
DEV-20001 | Web diagram - Allow me to directly paste image into a Note | |
DEV-20003 | Web Diagram - Text search should find Shape links | |
DEV-20048 | Narrative - Shape list section (Tabular view) Data elements | |
DEV-20078 | Narrative - Support RTE image inclusion in Word export | |
DEV-20081 | Narrative - Data element search and view refinements | |
DEV-20084 | Narrative - Configure section headings (Display) | |
DEV-20102 | Narrative - Customer provided default Word theme | |
DEV-20206 | IGX Diagrams - Render to SVG on the back-end | |
DEV-20239 | Narrative - UI improvement | |
DEV-20242 | Narrative - Populate the narrative preview with contextual preview data |
DEV-18633 DEV-18639 DEV-21334 DEV-21335 DEV-21259 DEV-21339 DEV-21340 DEV-21301 | Client Check out/View | |
DEV-21092 | Web Diagram describes lookup | |
DEV-18396 | Custom Review Cycle group | |
DEV-18908 | Report permissions checking | |
DEV-18928 | Don't show full screen Please wait when loading Report page | |
DEV-18929 | Don't show full screen Please wait when user clicks Run Report | |
DEV-18999 | Improved handling of deep breadcrumbs | |
DEV-19118 | User Management name lookup | |
DEV-19121 | Don't show full screen Please wait when user clicks 'Finish' in Design Report | |
DEV-19349 | Don't show full screen Please wait when creating an object | |
DEV-19622 | Allow user to see all items following a limited show in the Contains area | |
DEV-19841 | Enhance Web Diagram to not trigger 'Please wait' on ops that don't need a response | |
DEV-20221 | Clearing System Cache should not Optimize Custom Properties Tables - separate it out | |
DEV-20567 | Web Diagram - Make Describes Hints on-demand (instead of as-you-type) |
Resolved Issues
DEV-21544 DEV-21545 | Predeployed Tomcat updated to 9.0.35 | |
DEV-21596 DEV-21840 | Unable to import Web diagrams to the Client using IGXML | |
DEV-20988 | Upgrade from Process Central can fail if property length is over 2000 characters | |
DEV-21283 DEV-21288 DEV-21917 | Platform upgrade can fail due to unsupported Multilingual languages | |
DEV-4861 | IGX diagram - Page fill changes when scrolling down in a diagram | |
DEV-6877 | Shift Enter creates a new line for Notes in Web Diagram (instead of committing) | |
DEV-8153 | URL pasted into Word leads to login page only | |
DEV-14438 | Download Data (Reports) rearranges data | |
DEV-14731 | Web Diagram - Extra corners appear in manually routed connector lines | |
DEV-16019 | Address upgrade issue referencing erroInvalid column name 'IsPublic' | |
DEV-16057 | IGX Import - Header/footer layout incorrect | |
DEV-16096 | Narrative - Unable to move sections further than visible sections/no auto scroll | |
DEV-16122 | IGX Import - Header/Footer - Unsupported fields should come in as plain text (instead of null) | |
DEV-17269 | Web diagram - Resizing the tree divider causes zoom and full screen buttons to disappear | |
DEV-17893 | Shape Library - Handle lack of support for Animated GIFs | |
DEV-18516 | Unable to change default dashboard | |
DEV-18544 | Show tree in object picker lets you search at the same time | |
DEV-18548 | PI chart comment window will not close unless a new comment is created | |
DEV-18702 | Web diagram - Starting an edit session with F2 locks up the diagram under Edge | |
DEV-18737 | Effective Permissions - Mousing over intellitype options changes the value in the text field | |
DEV-19017 | Specific error for trying to register a prefix repository with out the prefix | |
DEV-19242 | Error HTTP 500 when document name contains percent character (%) | |
DEV-19252 | Custom Object List Gadget showing non approved items to view only approved Mode | |
DEV-19261 | Report filter/properties drop down options can cause scroll bar to appear | |
DEV-19274 | Menu and icon bar get overlapped when saving an IFRAME pointed to diagram | |
DEV-19323 | Multilingual - Unfriendly error message when you rename IGX diagram in language grid | |
DEV-19324 | Language Grid doesn't get focus after error | |
DEV-19333 | Multilingual - grid doesn't select the cell you double clicked on | |
DEV-19334 | Documented By should only show shortcuts that point to valid objects for that relationship | |
DEV-19387 | Gateway symbols painted over by fill patterns | |
DEV-19390 | Not enough padding under 'Replace Now' button in element Describes properties dialog | |
DEV-19401 | Report about cycles and cycle on file show different lists for pending users | |
DEV-19412 | Copied shape palette appearing in diagram shape palette drop down | |
DEV-19413 | Client - Unable to check-in/re-add diagram or component with same name that was previous deleted | |
DEV-19430 | Add custom library shape built-in BPMN shapes behaves incorrectly under Firefox | |
DEV-19474 | Enough dynamic links will push profile off of screen | |
DEV-19514 | Header/footer field should say hidden for objects user doesn't have permission to see (instead of unspecified) | |
DEV-19517 | Web diagram - Multiple selection doesn't move totally unattached line | |
DEV-19520 | Drag from repository tree onto diagram throws JavaScript error | |
DEV-19575 | Passing new shape through line can cause slight offset in endpoint. | |
DEV-19578 | Todo count not updating correctly under a Clustered environment | |
DEV-19582 | Security enhancement | |
DEV-19589 | Web diagram - Proposed object name with a line break results in two words becoming one | |
DEV-19591 | Web diagram - Creating a Proposed object from a pre-17.6 diagram injects HTML code | |
DEV-19624 | Web diagram - Zoom level is sometimes changed while you are still typing in Zoom edit box | |
DEV-19633 | Security enhancement | |
DEV-19660 | Web diagram - Version bar doesn't work right if you checkout/checkin from an old version | |
DEV-19691 | Shape display fields text appearing on a checked in diagram when there is no describes in diagram | |
DEV-19692 | Narrative - Showing diagram in "live" view as opposed to "snapshot" view | |
DEV-19756 | Web diagram - Paste in the Add/Edit link dialog should not affect background diagram | |
DEV-19763 | Date Custom Property Entry has incorrect validation error message | |
DEV-19787 | Object Tree remains white after please wait | |
DEV-19870 | Renaming a folder does not update the path of the referenced folder in an automated e-mail | |
DEV-20079 | Following a link to a fullscreen Dashboard URL doesn't work | |
DEV-20106 | Using arrow keys while a pool "phase" or "lane" is selected causes JavaScript error. | |
DEV-20142 | Web diagram - Font sizes can adjust on upgrade from Platform v17.5 and later | |
DEV-20361 | Narrative - Space between process object icon and object name in described object section | |
DEV-20454 | Web diagram - Header/Footer images align differently in dialog and diagram | |
DEV-20464 | Shape Library - Preview and Thumbnail for Image Upload is incorrect | |
DEV-20568 | Web Diagram - Built-in shape in Shape Library doesn't inherit built-in behavior | |
DEV-20749 | Web Diagram - Top level font size lost on "export/import Language to Excel xml" | |
DEV-20757 | Uploading SAML Metadata does not return an error if it fails | |
DEV-20758 | Uploading a Valid SAML metadata XML document fails to be read correctly | |
DEV-20766 | No default keyboard focus for Choose object dialog box for choosing target of call activity | |
DEV-21087 | IGX Document - "Contains" section always shows the main language | |
DEV-21152 | Describe Hints shows objects a user doesn't have permission to see | |
DEV-21337 | Repository Icon is misaligned | |
DEV-21829 | German - Truncated label in the License Management area |