DEV-15051 | Web Diagram - Shape Numbering
| |
DEV-21023 | Web Diagram - Allow insert of image directly into diagram | |
DEV-21982 | Generic file type icons for popular formats | |
DEV-22120 | REST API for Category based Performance Indicator Facts | |
DEV-22449 | Acknowledgement - Cycle graph should use regional separators for count | |
DEV-21917 DEV-21953 | Multilingual - Add additional flags and support for single an triple part languages codes | |
DEV-22029 | Improved UX for combo select boxes which contain one item | |
DEV-22123 | Security enhancement | |
DEV-22281 | Paginated Cycle report for Review, Approve and Endorsement cycles with 25+ users |
DEV-20080 DEV-21136 DEV-20232 DEV-22215 DEV-20904 | Manage Cycles | |
DEV-21046 | To-do List, Cycles | |
DEV-21880 DEV-22074 DEV-22224 | Database | |
DEV-19737 DEV-20385 DEV-18259 DEV-20538 DEV-20900 | User Management | |
DEV-20999 | Email generation | |
DEV-18545 | Full Text Indexer | |
DEV-20926 DEV-21159 | Repository Tree |
Resolved issues
DEV-15796 | Security enhancement | |
DEV-18348 | Administrator undo checkout doesn't prevent user check in if user still working on diagram | |
DEV-19171 | Error adding user to existing group - IGX_Check_Reviewed - Subquery returned more than 1 value | |
DEV-20069 | No feedback for creating named cycle group that already exists | |
DEV-20350 | Tree Refine not cleaning up properly | |
DEV-20428 | Administrator is not redirected to Dashboard on second login | |
DEV-20744 | Web diagram - Text moves when typing in text for a shape | |
DEV-20761 | Web diagram - Closing Image size popup with escape doesn't focus parent control | |
DEV-20771 | Acknowledgement - Cycle Manage page doesn't immediately refresh after taking action | |
DEV-20858 | IGX Import - Described object label doesn't import correctly with dual text area shapes | |
DEV-20919 | Names of Described objects in diagrams can appear in the tab as "?" | |
DEV-20953 | Underline goes beyond link and includes approval cycle icon | |
DEV-21260 DEV-21270 | Multi-cycle UX refinements | |
DEV-21272 | Create Group dialog keyboard focus issue | |
DEV-21273 | Renamed dialog keyboard focus issue under IE11 | |
DEV-21279 | Web diagram - Copied subprocess doesn't adjust parent lanes correctly | |
DEV-21336 | German - Buttons in the "Add language" dialog are stacked | |
DEV-21357 | Described Object fields in Header/Footer are missing their icons in Narrative and Word export | |
DEV-21387 | Web Diagram - Can't Copy & Paste Shape Notes in Firefox | |
DEV-21394 | Multilingual - Convert to new diagram dialog doesn't show flag correctly | |
DEV-21546 | Web diagram - Change Shape can create an unattached border | |
DEV-21599 | Web diagram - Shape List is not updated correctly on edit under IE11 | |
DEV-21607 | Narrative - Dragged sub-properties are transparent | |
DEV-21653 | Narrative - Header/Footer menu doesn't close when clicking in the toolbar | |
DEV-21656 | Narrative - Detailed Shape List lists an empty Is Measured By relationship | |
DEV-21785 | Narrative - Word wrapping issue with Delete warning | |
DEV-21788 | Relationships - Clicking Continue can lead to Cannot read property 'displayName' of undefined | |
DEV-21798 | IGX Import - Error on import related to decision cases | |
DEV-21800 | IE11 Default resize handles appearing on Images in Notes | |
DEV-21820 | IE11 Default size error for Built-in-Shape upon Image Upload | |
DEV-21822 | Shapes inside lane get moved out on converting pool to sub process | |
DEV-21849 | Spanish - Role text for Performance Indicators goes over check boxes | |
DEV-21850 | Default size changes reset when changing between Built-In Shape and Image Upload | |
DEV-21851 | Shape Library/Image Upload - Image with illegal size is saved | |
DEV-21853 | Polish text goes beyond container in License UI | |
DEV-21867 | Describes Preview - 'Is Measured By' always appears in the Platform | |
DEV-21871 | Narrative - Extra scroll bar in configuration area | |
DEV-21872 | Shape Library - Size label incorrect for Image Upload | |
DEV-21873 | Comment List comments not expanding after switching tabs | |
DEV-21875 | Rich Text - Second image can get placed incorrectly at the end of a Header/Footer or Notes | |
DEV-21909 | Object navigation from versioned IGX Document can lead you to a page not found error | |
DEV-21910 | Web Narrative and Word Export don't show internal IDs if Shape numbering was never turned on | |
DEV-21912 | Narrative - No visible table row for shapes with no number or text | |
DEV-21913 | Custom prop descriptions missing in Word export (but appear in Web narrative) | |
DEV-21929 | Inconsistent translation of Acknowledgement default cycle group in German | |
DEV-21934 | Inconsistent German translation of relationships in diagram fields | |
DEV-21935 | Cycle Group Update Button isn't theme colored | |
DEV-21938 | Custom Property with Relationship restriction aren't displayed for "add incoming relation" | |
DEV-21954 | IGX Import - Diagram Conversions throw an error when Window Split Screen is on in IGX file | |
DEV-21955 | Unicode issue in Platform Cycle Notification Email Subject for Chinese/Japanese/Polish | |
DEV-21956 | Editing Text in existing diagrams can cause JavaScript error | |
DEV-21990 | Loading indicator floating right out of input field | |
DEV-22008 | Upgraded repository - Acknowledgement Cycle combo not showing version number | |
DEV-22034 | Approval Nomination Notice subject line not translated for Italian | |
DEV-22071 | JavaScript error when going to a described by tab of this SAP process activity | |
DEV-22072 | Export to SVG for this imported web diagram file throws error | |
DEV-22073 | IGX Import - Java script error in Headers/Footers when IGX has custom property in header | |
DEV-22112 | Pool describes marker not clickable in fixed header area | |
DEV-22149 | User Permissions not updating when reassigning a new user to a new group | |
DEV-22151 | User Management - Changing a users username orphans cycle group memberships | |
DEV-22153 | Move cursor appears when hovering over narrative section headers in Read Only mode | |
DEV-22199 | Web Diagram - Copy and paste of shape text with inline Links changes Link in pasted text | |
DEV-22246 | Propose Objects - Hidden HTML markup can trigger error on ACCEPT | |
DEV-22388 | Web Diagram - Closing and reopening the 'More' text style popup throws a JavaScript Error | |
DEV-22465 | Security vulnerability | |
DEV-22466 | Platform Approval Cycle cannot be deleted or approved | |
DEV-22467 | Review Cycle Error triggered by out of order group deletion | |
DEV-22528 | Update Documentation.htm and License files in Predeploy WAR | |
DEV-22697 | Upgrade can fail to complete if column collation doesn't match default of the SQL instance |