| DEV-14431 | Client - API - ItemFromDiagram can return the wrong item if the parent document was copied |
| DEV-15831 | Licensing - License properties time and display time in platform don't match |
| DEV-16024 | Moving multiple items in full screen view keeps moved objects checked |
| DEV-16123 | Viewing History tab for some diagrams can trigger a JavaScript error |
| DEV-16558 | Order of Sections (RACI, Contains, etc) is inconsistent between folders and objects |
| DEV-17038 | Web Diagram - Tooltip says Open Object Navigation when it should say close |
| DEV-17222 | Client - Wrong repository inspected when attaching resources to IGX document |
| DEV-17772 | Chart - Changing Axis Scale Doesn't Work |
| DEV-17898 | Reporting - Report ignores 'View Approved Only' mode for users with 'View unapproved' permission - shows results as if not in mode |
| DEV-18214 | Chart - Deleting Axis causes JavaScript error and stops PI Chart from working |
| DEV-18372 | Web Diagram - Add link dialog doesn't get default focus |
| DEV-18394 | Object tree folder name cut short when scrolling all the way to the right |
| DEV-18397 | Delete icons for Custom Property Repository relations in Create new object dialog misaligned |
| DEV-18399 | No keyboard focus when assigning a user a role in a process |
| DEV-18404 | Add Button Disappears When Default Order is Pressed in Repository Tree |
| DEV-18426 | Client - API - Custom property value set in BeforeCheckIn event is not saved |
| DEV-18477 | Summary edit allows pasting/serialization of invalid characters, leading to Client 500 error when expanding Repository tree |
| DEV-18513 | No email notification once a diagram is approved |
| DEV-18514 | IGX Import - Line routing has significant issues with imported Visio file loaded through IGX import |
| DEV-18515 | 'Analyze & Fix' reports duplicate error |
| DEV-18527 | REST API - Can let you create object with the same name |
| DEV-18543 | Web Diagram - Header/Footer shows false data when view with "view approved only" |
| DEV-18549 | Multilingual - Selecting a shape with external text does not highlight it in the languages grid |
| DEV-18569 | Swimlanes are not properly exported to Automation |
| DEV-18573 | Narrative Template adding new section double scroll and empty space |
| DEV-18600 | Web Diagram - Diagramming Properties panel needs padding |
| DEV-18601 | Web Diagram - Diagramming Properties - No text display when selecting Event Sub-Process |
| DEV-18640 | Database Error can occur |
| DEV-18663 | Reporting - Inherent Risk and Residual Risk missing in Download Data to Excel |
| DEV-18679 | User management - Letterlinks on page(s) revert the filter back to 'Enabled' |
| DEV-18698 | API - Importing diagram into an existing diagram doesn't show shape image |
| DEV-18704 | Web Diagram - Entered zoom level is ignored if it happens to be less than lower range/greater than higher range |
| DEV-18716 | Web Diagram - Fullscreen 'Please Wait' appears when viewing checked-in diagram's describes preview |
| DEV-18721 | Client - VSM diagrams custom data text fields can get lost on Timeline configuration change |
| DEV-18722 | Dashboard selection drop-down-list shows unapproved Dashboards |
| DEV-18723 | Web Diagram - Lines can route oddly near X=0 or Y=0 coordinates |
| DEV-18724 | Unapproved EOs appear in the Contains area in View Approved Only mode |
| DEV-18778 | Copying large number of objects can result in error |
| DEV-18809 | Compare Change Description for Footer is wrong in English |
| DEV-18810 | Chrome 'Save password' feature can break the User management - User page |
| DEV-18822 | Web Diagram - Unable to Export diagram after canceling Export diagram |
| DEV-18829 | Web Diagram - Shapes with Headers behave incorrectly in the Multilingual Languages Grid |
| DEV-18832 DEV-18835 | Security vulnerability |
| DEV-18864 | Multilingual - Change can fail if editing the default lane text when in a non-repository main language. |
| DEV-18870 | Web Diagram - Detaching a line label from a line can causes a JavaScript error |
| DEV-18886 | Missing stored procedure igxCompareBlobs can occur when upgrading from v15 repositories |
| DEV-18902 | Unable to view old approved documents by Viewer license user |
| DEV-18903 | Web Diagram - Duplicate Case Labels Possible |
| DEV-18913 | Web Diagram - Collapsed sub-process link can stop working |
| DEV-18919 | Web Diagram - Default case name not preserved during bpmn export/import. |
| DEV-18920 | Web Diagram - Decision cases mishandles existing lines being dragged off and onto them. |
| DEV-18982 | Security role for viewing users/groups doesn't paginate |
| DEV-18988 | Administration - After changing a repository short name you cannot create a new repository with the old name |
| DEV-19024 | Client - API - Changes to custom properties in BeforeAddDocument are ignored |
| DEV-19066 | Web Diagram - Export/Import IGXW loses images if the file is imported into a different repository |
| DEV-19116 | Proposed Objects - Trying to ACCEPT ALL on a duplicate proposed object causes a JavaScript error |
| DEV-19120 | IGX Import - File links which equate to Repository links are not converted on Import |
| DEV-19124 | Web Diagram - Viewing Describes for an old version triggers a full screen error if it references a deleted object |
| DEV-19132 | Dashboard - JavaScript error can occur with a Web diagram shown in a Dashboard Iframe gadget leading to indefinite 'Please wait...' |
| DEV-19236 | Typo in German BPMN Shape Palette Shape Legend |
| DEV-19307 | Narrative Relationship Section Headings are missing |