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User Story

DEV-10910Maintain LDAP user relation across DN changes
DEV-14594Shape Library - Create a new Shape Library based on a copy of an existing or built-in library
DEV-15042Shape Library - Create a new Shape Library Item based on a copy of a built-in library item
DEV-15334Web Diagram - Add control handles to Curved lines
DEV-15359Add Cluster support for Scheduled Cycles and Active Directory
DEV-15362Change meaning of 'Add Diagram Comment' to include View Own Comments
DEV-15372Entity Relationship diagram - Add Crow's Foot / ERD arrow heads
DEV-15373IGX to Web - Map additional arrow head styles once we have Crow/ERD
DEV-15392Web Diagram - Allow paste of image into Header/Footer text
DEV-15598Email Notifications - New section for Watched Object Notifications
DEV-15605User Management - Display filter for Enabled/Disabled users
DEV-15606User Management - Improve display of Enabled/Disabled users
DEV-15622Web Diagram - Shadow control
DEV-15623IGX Import - Maintain shadow on a shape based on IGX diagram shadow on/off state
DEV-15624Maintain LDAP group relations across DN changes
DEV-15641Email Notifications - New Watched object notification for Make Current Approved
DEV-15734Web Narrative - Add Rich Text section
DEV-15745Web Narrative - Add Effective Dates section
DEV-15765IGX Import - Tally used diagram colors and build up the Custom colors list
DEV-15771Web diagram - Add overall transparency control for Fill and Line colors
DEV-15969Web diagram - Allow user to drag and drop shapes from the Shape Legend
DEV-16010IGX Import - Preserve Fill and Line alpha transparency
DEV-16080Add Journey Object and supporting folders
DEV-16081Add Moment Object
DEV-16082Add Touch Object
DEV-16083Add Subtypes to Journey Objects
DEV-16084Add Capability Object and supporting folders
DEV-16085Add Subtypes to Capability Objects
DEV-16086Add Product Object
DEV-16087Add Business Service Object
DEV-16088Add Opportunity Object
DEV-16089Add Opportunity Instance Object
DEV-16092IGX Import - Respect 'Show X marker inside all exclusive gateways' marker setting on import
DEV-16190Support changing the repository GUID when registering a repository through the REST API
DEV-16191IGX Import - Client Call Activity should be imported as Call Activity
DEV-16196Report - Expose Check In and Check Out in Settings page footer
DEV-16198Web Narrative - Show Narrative in a new tab
DEV-16201Entity Relationship diagram - Allow a user to easily create a connector line loop back to the same shape
DEV-16222Email Notification - Links to Web or IGX Documents/Diagrams should always go to Diagram view
DEV-16241Add Problem as a new subtype for Risk
DEV-16242Add Bot as a new Resource type
DEV-16251Add new relationships for Capability object
DEV-16306Multilingual - Table view languages for Diagram element text
DEV-16307Multilingual - View repository object names in multiple languages
DEV-16308Multilingual - Ability to switch UI/Content language from high level UI (next to Profile menu)
DEV-16309Multilingual - Promote 'Main editing language' to one of many languages
DEV-16315Multilingual - User can opt-in to have separate content and UI languages
DEV-16317Multilingual - Repository Configuration option to change the Main repository language
DEV-16321Multilingual - User's content language is used when editing diagram shape text
DEV-16322Multilingual - User's content language is used when editing diagram notes
DEV-16323Multilingual - Pick one display language and eliminate "Automatically Detect Language" from My Profile
DEV-16324New Report Gadget
DEV-16325Multilingual - Give new users and legacy users using "automatic" language a prompt to pick a language
DEV-16398IGX Import - Version number should be carried over and incremented
DEV-16436Journey Map - New diagram type
DEV-16438Journey Map - New built-in Shape Library
DEV-16448Add new Resource setting 'Attended' for Bot Resource type
DEV-16462Multilingual - Show flags for primary markets in lieu of two digit country codes (next to Profile menu/in list)
DEV-16482Add Object - Improve to show choices of diagrams in a single list
DEV-16483Add Object - Remember previous diagram type, sub-type created
DEV-16493Add new targets for Risk related relationships
DEV-16494Add new Opportunity relationships
DEV-16496Update PRC section name to reflect Opportunities and update groupings
DEV-16506Add new Repository Permission - 'Manage Opportunity Configuration'
DEV-16522Web Diagram - Expose Transparency control for Bitmap/SVG shapes
DEV-16526Create relationship when Risk Instance, Performance Indicator and Control Inst/Opp Inst created under new objects
DEV-16532Multilingual - Rework Repository Configuration Languages page
DEV-16752CRUD item roles via REST API
DEV-16773REST API - Add new objects to 'Create new standard object' REST API
DEV-16776REST API - Unified Get/Set Object subtype REST API
DEV-16777Multilingual - Show name changes in Repository Object history page
DEV-16778Multilingual - Allow edit of a single translation from View languages view
DEV-16779Multilingual - Allow a user to clear a repository object name translation
DEV-16780Multilingual - Open View languages view with current location expanded to
DEV-16783Multilingual - Keep tree column of View languages in view (frozen)
DEV-16784REST API - Add optional subtype ID to generic Create object
DEV-16787Multilingual - Table edit languages for Diagram element text
DEV-16791Add SHA-2 (specifically SHA-256) authentication support for Single Sign On (SSO)
DEV-16797Multilingual - Show country flag in Repository Object history page
DEV-16826SAP - New SAP Branch folder object
DEV-16827SAP - Rename SAP Project object to SAP Branch
DEV-16839Multilingual - Show country flag in Repository Configuration - Languages
DEV-16840Multilingual - Show country flag in Diagram Compare changes
DEV-16932Allow Describes for Business Service on Pools and Diagrams
DEV-16939Multilingual - Expose Language outside of Model area
DEV-16961Evolve new "Opportunity Posed By/Provides Opportunity For" and existing "Threat Posed By/Poses Threat To" relationships
DEV-16962Evolve name of new relationship "Capability/Realized By" to "Has Capability/Is Capability For"
DEV-16963Evolve name of new relationship "Delivers/Depends On" to "Delivers/Delivered By"
DEV-16964Evolve new "Has Opportunity/Opportunity For" and existing "Has Risk/Risk For" relationships
DEV-17015Multilingual - Refine the look of the high level language picker
DEV-17016Web diagram - Make switching from an invisible theme color easier to understand
DEV-17017SAP - Prevent old synchronizer from Syncing with 17.6 or later
DEV-17210Multilingual - Show content locale in Rename modal, Diagram element edit session and Note window
DEV-17212REST API - Update the Customization/Configuration to include Default Server Language

Resolved issues

DEV-12368REST API - Add Risk Fact documentation does not specify timezone for date
DEV-13082Reporting: References to ancestors (more than 5 levels) throw errors.
DEV-15031Comments from checking in an object don't show line breaks/spacing in the history tab
DEV-15124Repository Configuration - Restrict Relationships by Object Type not width limited
DEV-15132Report headers still sometimes not aligned
DEV-15247Text color icon swatch in text editor should always be grey
DEV-16059Import IGX from previous version always grab latest
DEV-16109Web diagram - User should not be able to disconnect a previously connected line
DEV-16137Create object with "watch this object & create another" checked off and cancelling moves selected item
DEV-16140Text Pushes Number to New Line
DEV-16144Gadget gets locked in place and can't move it
DEV-16145Underlining color offset in rich text editor.
DEV-16147Clicking Image in Rich Text Editor throws Javascript Error
DEV-16153Rich Text Editor not Appearing if Clicked off and Reopened
DEV-16229Repository Config > Resources > User to Resource Linking can take a long time to load with thousands of users
DEV-16230TIM action handler list outdated
DEV-16253Web Diagram - Pasting text from Word displays metadata
DEV-16256Comment list reply text box truncated
DEV-16269Flyout tabs doesn't fully cover bar on IGX documents/diagrams
DEV-16333Deleted AD user still occupies licenses
DEV-16376Unable to set On a Calendar cycle setting using arrow keys with Firefox
DEV-16380Approval History for deleted objects not removed from database
DEV-16386IQL - Typing certain characters into Filter cause a full screen 'Other error'
DEV-16388Headers Footers - Web Diagramming - Book Mode shifts Footers down incorrectly
DEV-16389Propose Object when using "Change shape" proposes wrong type
DEV-16401Japanese translation of "Ancestors" not correct
DEV-16447Described text - Boldness of Text Block (Ctrl-B) isn't maintained if described object is renamed
DEV-16450Web diagram - Connector line snapping needs to be less aggressive now we support unconnected
DEV-16460Search problems when words are longer than 24 characters
DEV-16554Sticky footer appears twice for Enterprise Objects in REORDER mode
DEV-16677Imported IGX diagram from repository not created in folder when creating via 'create child object'
DEV-16694Custom properties appear on wrong object types
DEV-16738Client crashes when using intellisense with an older repository
DEV-16739Client - VBA - GetInterface event causes run-time error 14
DEV-16746Client copyright date needs to be updated
DEV-16775Copy of Built-In Library not preserving shape styling
DEV-16782Shapes dragged in from shape legend have shadows disabled
DEV-16785Migrated client diagram is missing version label in history reference
DEV-16811Arrowheads do not respect the transparency of lines.
DEV-16845Approval Cycle Reminder set to Never when Cycle group changed
DEV-16849Scheduled Cycle Initial Reminder Getting Set To NEVER After Manual Initial Approval
DEV-16854Improve translation on the first login screen
DEV-16855Translation of "descendant" is not appropriate
DEV-16858Hitting Enter key on object creation causes full screen reload - unlike clicking Finish
DEV-16925Performance trend values display incorrectly for no change
DEV-16940Can't add Performance Indicator
DEV-16970Text mysteriously becomes gigantic on copy-paste
DEV-16978IGX Import - Shape shift and weird lane header sizing issue on import of attached file
DEV-16982IGX Import - Colored end event is not recognized
DEV-16983IGX Import - Formatting is lost on Case labels
DEV-16984IGX Import - Error importing a simplified file with colored case labels
DEV-16985IGX Import - Decision case 'X' not appearing in attached customer file
DEV-16996Documentation for Implements / Implemented By
DEV-17019Web Diagram - Describes page - Documented By doesn't show all the relationships
DEV-17132Cannot unbold while line is selected.
DEV-17153Javascript error on 'Print to PDF'
DEV-17179IGX Client Filename and Diagram name fields do not update in the Platform (worked in Web Central)
DEV-17183Client - IGT file added to a repository as an external file behaves badly on checkout
DEV-17198Changing text color removes text in old shapes
DEV-17223Custom Shape Library with Built-In graphic does not show BPMN Indicators
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