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Monitoring Service Availability via the Health Endpoint


To ensure the reliability and availability of the service, a health monitoring endpoint is provided. This endpoint returns the status of the admin database, platform/application server, and all registered repository databases. By regularly checking this endpoint, users and automated monitoring tools can detect potential issues early and take corrective actions if a service component becomes unavailable.

Health Check Endpoint

The health check can be accessed by making an HTTP GET request to the following URL:


The H needs to be capitalized!

Response Format

The endpoint returns a JSON response containing:

  • Overall system health summary

  • Health status and version of the platform

  • Health status and version of the admin database

  • Health status and versions of all registered repository databases

Example Response

  "healthSummary": {
    "admindatabase": "UP",
    "platform": "UP",
    "repositories": "UP"
  "platformHealthStatus": {
    "healthIndicator": "UP",
    "version": ""
  "adminHealthStatus": {
    "healthIndicator": "UP",
    "version": ""
  "repositoryHealthStatus": {
    "[repository UUID]": {
      "healthIndicator": "UP",
      "version": ""
    "[repository UUID]": {
      "healthIndicator": "UP",
      "version": ""

Understanding the Response

  • healthSummary

    • Indicates the overall health of the system components (UP means available).

  • platformHealthStatus

    • Shows the status of the core platform and its current version.

  • adminHealthStatus

    • Reports the admin database status and version.

  • repositoryHealthStatus

    • Lists the health of each registered repository database, identified by unique UUIDs.

How to Monitor the Endpoint

To integrate health monitoring into your system checks or monitoring tools, follow these approaches:

1. Manual Health Check

Use cURL or a browser to check the service status:

curl -X GET https://<your-service-url>/Health

If everything is functioning properly, you see a response similar to the example above.

2. Automated Monitoring with Alerting

  • Use monitoring tools such as Prometheus, Datadog, Nagios, or AWS CloudWatch to periodically check the /Health endpoint.

  • Set up alerts when the response contains "DOWN" for any service.

Common Issues & Troubleshooting

Issue in healthSummary

Possible Cause


"platform": "DOWN"

Service is unavailable or experiencing an issue

Check server logs, restart service, verify database connections

"admindatabase": "DOWN"

Admin database connection issue

Ensure database is running and reachable

"repositories": "DOWN"

One or more repository databases are unavailable

Identify affected repository, check database status, check server logs (e.g. failed upgrade)

For further assistance, contact your system administrator or our support team at

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