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2018-01-10 Meltdown and Spectre

iGrafx has moved quickly to address the vulnerabilities exposed via Meltdown and Spectre, the following is an update based on our immediate patching and other activities or observations.

Important: As a result of the additional overhead introduced by the patches to Meltdown and Spectre, we have seen performance degradation in a range of 10% to 30%. This is equivalent to what is being reported industry-wide. It is too early to tell the baseline effect of the patching relative to performance and as more data (and observation) is collected, we will have a more definitive view of how these patches affect the environment elements. Regardless, you should expect a performance hit because of the patching for Meltdown and Spectre.

Customers who are already running at a high utilization rate will need to upgrade their systems.

iGrafx Response for Managed Customers

Cloud Customers

The Microsoft Azure updates for internal infrastructure and iGrafx cloud clients are complete and not currently in a maintenance window. All systems have come back online and are performing within expected tolerances.

iGrafx Response for Internal Infrastructure

All production internal systems have been patched.

  • The remaining systems will get patched in a sequence that follows risk severity priority as determined by our Director of IT and the Dev Ops Team.
  • Because of the additional overhead introduced by the patches, we have seen performance degradation in a range of 5% to 30%.

Response for Local Installation Customers

Since these vulnerabilities present serious potential threats, we strongly recommend that you mitigate them immediately. If you have not done so already, please apply all available patches from vendors with urgency.

Thank you -

The iGrafx team

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