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Managing Email

Email Management includes email server configuration settings and email templates, which are described in the following sections.

Email Settings

The Email Settings page lets you turn notifications from the iGrafx platform on or off, specify outgoing email and server settings, and test the configuration with a specific email address.

To access your settings:

  1. In the Administration area, choose Email Management
  2. In the right pane,, click the EMAIL SETTINGS tab

Be sure to save any changes by clicking the SAVE EMAIL SETTINGS  at the bottom, right of the page.

Email Notifications

Use the Email Notifications switch to turn email notifications on or off for the entire system.

Outgoing Email Settings

These settings specify the sender name, address, and a subject line prefix for mails generated by the iGrafx platform.

  • Sender Display Name: The name displayed for the sender. The default value is "iGrafx Platform".
  • Sender Email Address: The address that will appear in the email "From" field. Whether this address must actually exist depends on your mail server, but if not, you should still use a value that takes the form of a valid email address, such as
  • Subject Prefix: The text specified here appears at the beginning of the Subject line. The default value is "[iGrafx Platform]".

Server Details

Set these fields to match your mail server's configuration.

  • SMTP/JNDI: Select SMTP to use a SMTP mail server directly, or select JNDI if you want to use a JNDI location that's configured for your SMTP server. If you select JNDI, a JNDI Location field replaces the SMTP configuration settings. Specify a valid JNDI location there.
  • Use SSL: Use this switch to turn Secure Sockets Layer encryption on or off for messages sent from the iGrafx platform.
  • Use TLS: Use this switch to turn Transport Layer Security encryption on or off for messages sent from the iGrafx platform.
  • Host Name: The name of the SMTP mail server.
  • Port: The UDP port to use for sending emails, set to 25 by default.
  • Authentication: Specifies the authentication scheme to use for the specified mail server. The default setting is Anonymous. If you select Credentialed, SMTP Login Name and SMTP Login Password fields appear. Specify values for these fields that are valid on the specified mail server.

Test Configuration

You can test your current SMTP or JNDI settings by specifying a valid email address (your own, most likely) in the Test Email Target Address field, and then clicking  SEND TEST EMAIL.

If the test is successful, the following message appears: "Test email was successfully sent."

If not, the following message appears: "The form could not be submitted because some of the inputs are not valid. Please correct the highlighted inputs." Also, the invalid inputs are highlighted in red, along with a message to enter a valid value for the offending setting.

Email Templates

The Email Templates page provides the ability to view and modify the platform's emails.

To access your templates:

  1. In the Administration area, choose Email Management
  2. In the right pane,, click the EMAIL TEMPLATES tab

Email Templates List

 All of the available outgoing email templates used by the application are displayed.  Modified templates have a check-mark in the Customized? column.  Also, customized templates have a Revert to Default button.

Edit Email Template

You can edit any of the email templates by first clicking on the template name in the list.  A text editor will allow you to modify its contents.  The iGrafx platform uses Freemarker Templates to generate email content when sending email notifications.  Modifications to these email templates will require some basic understanding of Freemarker.  Documentation can be found here:  Freemarker Documentation.

Clicking on the Preview button will provide a close approximation of what the actual email will look like.  If there are any errors with the template, the error message will be displayed, allowing you to correct any mistakes caused by any modifications.

Initially the Preview will render in your chosen language.  However, there is a language selector that allows you to change and preview the template in other languages (limited to the languages that are supported by the application).

Once you are done editing the template, you can either chose to SAVE CHANGES (lower, right of the page), or click on the "< Back to template list" link (near the top of the page).  If changes are saved, then this newly saved customized template will now be used for that email. 


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